High men's and women's shoes

High men's and women's shoes

What is the name of

With the onset of autumn it is time to forget about the sandals and change them to something warmer. If at the beginning of the autumn pore you can show off in shoes, then closer to winter it is time to think about more practical shoes that can protect against bad weather conditions and provide a high level of comfort. If the convenience of shoes for you is of paramount importance, and you are endowed with a sense of style, then high shoes are created for you.

Features and benefits

High boots have long been an integral part of the wardrobe of any fashionista and fashionista. The unique properties of the product allow you to combine it with almost any clothing, and the availability of first-class materials makes it possible to provide the feet with incredible comfort and coziness.

A distinctive advantage of such shoes is that it will always be warm. Even if the temperature in the street is extremely low, your legs will not feel this and will be able to enjoy the perfect microclimate. Most manufacturers for the manufacture of shoes using natural materials, so that they do not lose their attractive appearance, even after years of wearing.

In rainy weather, men and women can be sure that their feet will not get wet, because high shoes like nothing else help protect feet from moisture. Due to its durability, these shoes are perfect for long hikes and trips, because their legs do not get tired.

Fashion models

Lace up

High lace-up boots are the most popular and versatile. This is because the rough masculine style is complemented by an interesting and gentle lacing, so that these shoes look perfect on both men's and women's legs. High lace-up boots will be an excellent acquisition for creating a casual street image. Models are perfectly combined with blue jeans or long tunics.

On fur

High boots with fur are made for ladies and can boast of their practicality. They have a more elegant appearance, so they are perfect for creating a romantic image. An elegant coat with a straight cut will make an ideal piece of clothing for such shoes, which will make the image unique and interesting. If the lady prefers looser clothes that can be used every day, then an excellent choice would be jeans in combination with fur shoes with a fashionable park.

On lightning

High boots with a zipper - an ideal and practical shoes. The presence of high-quality zipper allows you to forget about the constant tying of laces, which greatly simplifies and speeds up the process of putting on and taking off shoes.


Classic high boots are famous for their versatility, because they are ideally combined with almost any clothing. Because of this, they can be used to create a romantic, business or street image.


In most cases, high wagon boots are chosen for long hikes or trips. If the budget is limited and there is no opportunity to choose shoes for various events, then it is best to give preference to the station wagon.


Studded high boots are great for regions where constant frosts take place. The presence of unique spikes allows for maximum human safety from slipping.Even on the steep ice you can feel confident and not lose balance.


The most popular color of high shoes, for both men and women, is black. These shoes boast their versatility, because black shoes are great for any clothes. In addition, brown variants that blend perfectly with blue jeans are very popular.

Brighter colors are usually chosen by ladies. Lovers to be always in the spotlight can choose red shoes that attract attention. Yellow and red products are suitable for fashionistas who are not afraid of experiments. It should be noted that such shoes will be combined only with certain items of clothing, so it should be chosen with extreme caution.


Materials that are used to create high shoes, a great many, especially if we are talking about female models. The most popular and sought-after material is genuine leather, which has many advantages and provides a high level of comfort. High leather shoes are notable for their attractive appearance and reliability. The distinctive advantage of such shoes is that it can wear out, therefore it guarantees comfort even at the wrong size.

Unlike other materials, leather provides excellent heat transfer, which is of prime importance for the winter season. Due to its unique properties, this material adapts without any problems to the shape of the foot, therefore, provides comfort when wearing.

Patent leather among high shoes is not so much in demand, but these shoes are also attractive and suitable for creating romantic images.

Another popular material that is mainly used to create female models of high shoes is suede. Among the distinguishing advantages of the material are the following:

  • Elegant appearance. No other kind of high boots will look so prestigious and rich as a product made of natural suede;
  • Heat transfer, thanks to which suede is indispensable in the cold season;
  • It allows the legs to breathe, is soft and does not allow the legs to get tired even with constant walking.

Synthetic materials can also be used to produce high boots. Such footwear has a more affordable price, but it lacks certain properties that are inherent in natural materials. For example, artificial options can not provide such a high level of heat transfer or air permeability. In addition, they do not stretch and rather quickly lose their original appearance.

How to choose

When you buy good high shoes do not need to save, because quality shoes can not be cheap. Before you make a purchase, you need to decide for what purpose exactly the shoes are bought. If you need it for everyday wear, then its convenience and lightness should be put in the forefront. Otherwise, your legs will tire quickly.

In addition, you need to decide in advance on the color of the shoes. Black and brown are considered to be the most versatile, as horses are suitable for almost any outfit. But bright colors can be combined only with the same clothes. The ideal option is considered if the buyer is considering in advance what items of clothing he will wear these shoes.

In the process of trying to make sure that the shoes fit as tightly as possible on the legs, but do not put pressure on them. Even with the slightest discomfort, it is necessary to abandon the shoes and choose a more suitable option. Even if tall shoes are made of natural materials, it is not necessary to hope that the shoes will spread over time.Even the most attractive shoes will seem dull if it cannot provide the proper level of comfort to the wearer.

Measuring high shoes is necessary, taking into account the thickness of the socks that will be worn with them. For example, if you wear such shoes in an urban setting, you can limit yourself to a thin toe, but for long hikes it is best to choose warmed options.

Properly thought out purchase will save you from any unpleasant surprises that may arise in the process of using shoes.

What to wear

High shoes have long been included in the list of items of clothing, without which it is impossible to create a bright and fashionable appearance of a person. The distinctive advantage of this shoe is that it perfectly matches almost any clothing.

Representatives of the strong half of humanity can combine high boots with any daily clothing, including jeans, sweaters or cardigans. Blue jeans are considered the most versatile option that is suitable for a romantic date, and for work. In order to emphasize masculinity and a sense of style, you can use various accessories that will make the image more fashionable.

Modern ladies can include such shoes in their romantic image. The sophistication of such shoes allows you to emphasize the tenderness and fragility of women. High boots of black color will be perfectly combined with light blouses, dresses and skirts, thanks to which the image of the girl turns out to be unique.

To create a casual look, you can use lace-up boots that can guarantee maximum comfort even with active use. This type of shoe is ideally combined with jeans, leggings or shorts. A great addition would be a shirt or a light sweater.

How beautiful to lace

The most popular and attractive option is the cross-lacing, which allows you to quickly lace up high men's and women's shoes. To do this, it is necessary to pass the string through the lower holes and bring it out on both sides. This type of traditional lacing is distinguished by its ease and convenience, therefore it is considered the best option for high boots.

Brand news

Trail winter

Trail Winter Company offers its customers a large assortment of high-quality shoes that are ideal not only for women, but also for representatives of the strong half of humanity. In the company's assortment, you can find a combination of shoes that can provide unsurpassed protection against winter weather and guarantee proper comfort.

Toff wolf

High shoes should be in the wardrobe of any fashionable women. Stylish, reliable and durable boots will be able to cope with any weather. They allow you to create an ideal microclimate for the legs and protect them from fatigue even with active walking.

Stylish images

High shoes are famous for their versatility, so creating a memorable and vivid image with their help is not very difficult. For a romantic look, you can use a checkered dress that will look perfect with black shoes. This image can be complemented by a short snow-white jacket and a black handbag. An excellent accessory will also be glasses, which will give the image of mystery and elegance.

For a male image, you can use blue jeans, a leather jacket and glasses. White monochrome shirt or checkered options also go well with similar shoes.

Thus, high men's and women's shoes are an interesting and sought-after part of the wardrobe, which allows you to create a variety of images and styles. Properly selected shoes will completely transform your appearance and protect your feet from the weather.

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