Eyebrow pencil

Eyebrow pencil

Each woman wants to be stylish and attractive. To create the perfect make-up, you should carefully select all cosmetic products. Particular attention should be paid to the eyebrow pencil. This tool will help highlight your beauty and place all the accents. Consider how to choose the right tool, as well as the main features and benefits of products.


Modern manufacturers are on the court mods a variety of options for this cosmetic product. You can easily choose the product that you like. The main advantages of the product include:

  • High quality. It is worth a serious approach to the purchase of such products. Pay attention to the integrity of the packaging. It is worth buying a cosmetic product only in professional stores. Then you can get the desired effect.
  • Expanded product range. Modern firms offer to purchase a variety of models. Choose the product that will completely suit you.
  • Efficiency. With the help of this product you can make your makeup complete and stylish look. Pencil will make eyebrows clear and expressive. You can visually open your eyes to become even more attractive.
  • This cosmetic product helps to cope with fading and faded hairs. Now you can at any time tint your eyebrows, giving them the desired shape and a suitable shade. Add a flirtatious bend, and no man will stand.
  • It is no secret that with the help of eyebrow pencil, you can change the facial expression.
  • Availability of goods. You can purchase this cosmetic product at professional stores at any time. At the same time it is worth choosing a product carefully. Look at the integrity and integrity of the packaging. Only a quality product can meet your expectations.
  • Democratic value. Now you no longer need to visit beauty salons and do permanent makeup with a risk to health. It will be enough to have such a pencil in your cosmetic bag. This small product will help you save your family budget, as well as enjoy its attractive appearance. You can change the image every day.
  • Positive attitude. Your makeup will be stylish, complete and varied, so you will feel confident and attractive. Positive emotions will contribute to the achievement of the goal, which means that you will easily cope with daily activities.


To make your make-up successful, you need to figure out what kinds of pencils there are. So you can find the product that will be perfect for you. Consider the main types:

  • Soft pencil. This tool is suitable for women who have dry skin, as well as those women who do not work outdoors, drive a car. Of course, this option is perfectly shaded, but at the same time it can hold on for a very short time, spreading out under the influence of moisture.
  • Solid. This option has a more rigid texture, which is more stable. Experts recommend these pencils to the ladies who have a greasy derm, as well as those who spend most of their time on the street.

These are the two main blocks of product varieties that you need to focus on first. It should be noted, and various functional types of pencils:

  • Powdery. This model will help to avoid excessive shine of hairs, will help to cope with the release of excess greasy fat.
  • Via wax option, you can give hair the right direction, and eyebrows - the desired shape. This fixing pencil securely guides unruly hairs.
  • Pencil stick. It has a wide applicator. By means of it it is very convenient and comfortable to apply the product. An excellent option it will be for those women who have sparse hairs.
  • Gel pencil It will be an unbeatable option for dry dermis. It perfectly moisturizes the skin. Your hairs will shine with beauty and health.
  • Highlighter. Such a product will effectively hide all defects and even scars on the eyebrows.
  • Liquid model applied quite quickly and easily. However, this tool has drawbacks. It can leak when used incorrectly. In this case, your eyebrows will be different rich color.
  • Paint pencil. Those ladies who can not use this tool every day can use this model. You will get a permanent shade that will last for several days. You will not need to tint often.
  • Marker. This type is created for confident women who want to stand out from the crowd and are not afraid of bright and saturated colors.
  • Dry. This option is reminiscent of powder. It can be with a brush to make it easier to distribute the substance.
  • Indelible or water resistant. You can use it when you are going on a business trip or on vacation. Such a product will help you to keep the shape and beauty of eyebrows for a long time.

As for the shape of the product, it can also be different, so that it is more convenient to use. Manufacturers supply models with various accessories:

  • Mechanical model. It does not require constant grinding.
  • Automatic option. It allows the pencil core to be screwed in and out. So you can protect the product during transportation.
  • Bilateral option has its advantages. This pencil has several shades. You will have two colors in your own cosmetic bag.
  • With a brush. This successful device usually complements many pencils. Thus, you can not only dye your hair, but also comb it, giving it the desired shape.
  • Tassel models help hairs lie flat to each other. Such a product is comfortable and convenient to use.
  • With thread. This pencil will help create the perfect shape. With the help of a thread you draw a line of eyebrows. All hairs that go beyond its limits will be plucked.

Everything will depend on your desires and preferences. It is necessary to weigh all the nuances and decide which option will be most suitable. Remember that such a small thing can change your appearance.

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Before buying, every woman will surely ask what is included in the product. And it is right. It is worth choosing those models that have as little parabens and fragrances as possible. The main ingredients include:

  • Slate pencil This is the main coloring pigment. It should be uniform, not contain impurities.
  • Shimmer, mica give a pencil a shine. Of course, this option will not be very appropriate for everyday use.
  • Paraffin. This element is required for viscosity.
  • Talc is a safe mineral. It is contained in all waterproof pencils.
  • Using silicon will improve the appearance of the eyebrows.
  • Vitamins will nourish the hairs, saturating them with essential microelements. This will prevent their loss, thinning.
  • An excellent moisturizer is lanolin. Thanks to the microcrystalline wax, the hairs will soften, become more docile and well-groomed. Essential and cosmetic oils also have caring properties. They help to effectively nourish and moisturize the skin.
  • Herbal extracts attract lovers of natural cosmetics.

Before using any pencil, be sure to test the product on the dermis of the wrist. This will help determine for sure the presence of allergies to this product. If after a day you will not have a negative reaction to the composition of the pencil, then you can safely use cosmetics.


As for the shade, you should choose it correctly so that your make-up is perfect, and your eyebrows emphasize the depth and expressiveness of your look. Of course, you can pick up a pencil of your favorite color scheme, but you should be extremely careful. After all, one wrong touch - and you can spoil the entire makeup.

Consider the most common colors:

  • Redhead This is an ideal option that will suit blond hair.
  • White pencil can be used as a base. So you can give the basic shade softness.
  • Pink cosmetic product is usually applied under the eyebrow, and then shade. This will help make make-up more natural.
  • Light beige tone is perfect for light-colored girls with green and blue eyes.
  • The black version is universal. However, it is most suitable for dark-haired brunettes.

It turns out that you can choose any shade that suits you. You can always experiment with your image. Do not be afraid to combine different tones, choosing a shade.


Choosing a high-quality cosmetic product, you should pay attention to proven companies that have already recommended themselves. Among these are:

  • Nyx. These options are presented in quality performance. The advantages of a cosmetic product include a wide color palette, as well as a high content of pigment. There are eight shades, among which you will choose the one that you will like. The pencil has a special brush that will help comb. Thanks to the dense texture you can easily create the desired image. As a result, you will get natural, emphasize its attractiveness. Thanks to the ultra thin stylus, you can paint over even the most inaccessible places.
  • Catrice. Different types of pencils will help create a lasting and natural makeup. The products are of very high quality. You will be able to draw bends well and accurately.

  • Eva Mosaic. The company's products are based on advanced technological developments. Pencils are durable, optimal texture. Each cosmetic product is sold with instructions. You will know exactly how to use the tool. Most products have a special brush that allows combing hairs, creating the perfect direction. It should be remembered that the means should be applied with light movements, without pressing the pencil.
  • Art-Visage. This company presents various options for cosmetic products, including shades. You can choose the option that is right for you. It is worth noting the high quality of the product, but also its affordable price. You will purchase cosmetics at a reasonable price without spending all family savings. The composition of the product includes only useful elements that care about safety and health.
  • Avon. The pencil has a soft texture. You can easily draw smooth and thin lines. As a result, you get a natural makeup. Many ladies have a positive view of the retractable pencil lead. Now you do not need to constantly sharpen a cosmetic product. Clarity will persist all day, even in bad weather.
  • Faberlic. Light texture, clarity and durability - a feature of pencils of this company. Choose the right shade for you and use the tool with pleasure.

  • Relouis. This company offers cosmetics in several shades. For fair-haired ladies suitable sand tone. Each product comes with an elegant brush. It helps to give the desired shape.
  • Anastasia Beverly Hills. This product has a triangular stylus. It can be used to emphasize the shape of the eyebrows and visually make them thick. Thanks to the sharp side you can create clear thin lines. Wide will help create a bright rich color.
  • Mac. The features of the products include fairly easy application. For this reason, beginners should be especially careful. The palette includes all the most common tones. The cost of goods is affordable, it is another advantage of the products. In this case, the product is missing a brush.

How to pick up?

To understand which pencil is suitable is half the successful makeup. It is necessary to focus on this issue on your color type. For brunettes perfect black pencil. It will perfectly emphasize eyebrows, will make a look expressive. For women with fair skin and dark hair, choose a dark gray product. But dark brunette suit dark brown tones.

If you are the fair sex with blond curls, then you should focus on the ashy and red tones. For ashy loafs gray tone is perfect, for colorless eyebrows - light shades. Golden blondes fit a pencil of warm shades. If you have fair skin and blue / green eyes, then choose ash-brown or beige pencils. For wheat shades fit beige-gray cosmetic product.

If you are brown-haired, it is better to choose a reddish-brownish, golden brown, terracotta shades. If your curls have a bright chestnut tone or a light reddish tone, then a brown tone will do. But the gray and black tones are not suitable for red-haired beauties.

It is worth remembering that the shade of your pencil should always be a tone lighter than the color of the curls. This will be the key to successful makeup.

How to make up?

Having chosen the necessary pencil, it is worth learning how to use it correctly. For this there is an instruction. Consider everything step by step:

  • Before makeup, you should clean the face and apply a nourishing cream on the dermis and eyebrows, and then the foundation.
  • Take the desired pencil and make two strokes. The first is where the eyebrow will begin, and the second is where it will end. To determine more accurately, draw a straight line from the nostrils to the temple past the outer corner of the eye.
  • It is necessary to comb the hairs with a brush towards the temples.
  • Now you can bring. The pencil should be sharpened, but not too sharp so as not to injure the dermis. Apply short strokes in the direction of hair growth.
  • If you have sparse hair, then you should shade problem areas.
  • After that, comb the hairs again with a special brush. So you remove the excess coloring pigment.
  • So that everything is smooth, it is worth summing up carefully and slowly. From this will depend on the beauty of makeup.

Examples of spectacular makeup

Of course, every girl wants to be spectacular, catch admiring glances. To do this, you should know how to properly and beautifully painted. It is necessary to do this in stages. This is especially important for beginner fashionistas. Do not rush. Over time, you will learn how to make stylish makeup quickly and efficiently.

If you want lasting and bright eyebrow makeup, you can create a permanent option. It is created using different techniques. For example, a hairline implies drawing hairs between natural ones. Such work will be very long and painstaking.

If you use feathering, then you can also emphasize the beauty, give clarity and expressiveness. This process simulates shadow casting.

Reeling will be able to choose the most courageous. This process involves the complete removal of hairs, the application of the pattern in their place. Of course, such cardinal methods will suit not all women.

Do not forget about eyebrow correction before staining. So you will be easier to carry out the procedure itself. It is necessary to pull out the hair, which are located on the nose, as well as other protruding hairs.Remember that eyebrows should become a natural face ornament.

The ideal shape of the eyebrows - extended at the nose, tapering to the very end. The line should be smooth and neat. The distance between the eyebrows should be about two fingers.

It is worth remembering that eyebrows need periodic grooming. For these purposes, you can apply cosmetic oils. They will help preserve the beauty of hairs, improve their growth.


Every lady wants to buy only a good pencil. The desired result will depend on the quality of the product. That is why it is worth buying models only in professional stores. So you can take care of the safety of your health.

The best product will help you quickly and easily correct the shape of the eyebrows, saturate them with bright and resistant color. Focus on the rating of the tools described above. Many ladies note the effectiveness of pencils. With such a small tool you can create a fashionable and stylish make-up.

Positive feedback is left about the cost of goods. You will be able to purchase the product at an affordable price without hurting your wallet. Ladies say that now you can do everything yourself, at home. No more need to visit expensive beauty salons.

You can buy a useful cosmetic product in any professional store. It is only to clearly define what option you need. Another advantage of the product that users note is ease of use. You can easily apply the tool and get the desired shape.

Here are the main features and advantages of eyebrow pencil. Now you know how to choose this cosmetic product, how to use it. Do not forget to check the product immediately before purchase. No defects should be.

In the video - a lesson on creating the most natural image of Maybellin.

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