Face Cream "Grandmother Agafi's Recipes"

Face Cream Recipes grandmother Agafi

Organic cosmetics in recent years is becoming increasingly popular. But in most cases, products with a natural composition are quite expensive. But there are exceptions. So, face cream “Grandmother Agafi’s recipes”, despite the natural composition and effectiveness, cost less than a hundred rubles per tube.


Face cream "Recipes grandmother Agafi" 98% consist of natural ingredients. In their composition, you will not find any dyes, or parabens, or silicones. So, they will not clog pores and spoil your skin. Creams from this brand also do not complement any synthetic fragrances. They themselves have a very pleasant aroma due to the use of various plant extracts.

The cream is stored for about a year. This is due to the use of food preservatives.

Organic products for the face from this company perfectly moisturize the skin and make it more well-groomed. Practically in all products there is at least a minimum level of protection from the sun. This is very good, because under the influence of ultraviolet skin, as is known, ages faster.

The positive effect is manifested in the fact that the skin is slightly tinted. Aligning, thus, the color of the skin, you can not even use tonalnik or powder, if you do not have any large pimples or problem areas.

Pleasantly pleased and good consistency. It is quite thick, so when using the mass does not follow from the tube. So you can easily control the amount of the applied product and conveniently distribute it on the surface of your face. It is spent quite economically, so a small tube is enough for a long time.

Popular Series

Among the range represented by this brand one can find many day and night creams aimed at solving various problems. Let's look at some of the most popular options.

"Preservation of youth"

Starting at the age of twenty-five, girls have been trying to keep up their appearance more actively in order to delay the time of aging of their skin. DFor this purpose, it is quite possible to use face cream from the “Preservation of youth” line. It has both day and night cream. In addition, there is also a cleansing lotion.

All products are based on herbal extracts. When applied to the skin, they leave behind a light aroma of herbs.

Day cream moisturizes the skin to the maximum. But at the same time on it does not remain an ugly greasy luster.

Night cream has a more intense white color and light texture. During the night, it nourishes the skin as much as possible, so when you wake up, you will immediately notice a positive effect.

"Extension of youth"

In more mature age, you can switch to the “Youth prolongation” line.. Creams with anti-aging effect will slightly smooth out wrinkles and make pigmentation spots less noticeable. In general, the skin will be lighter, more even and well-groomed.

This cream is intended to be used after thirty-five years. It actively stimulates the process of renewal of skin cells and slows the formation of new wrinkles. In the composition you can find Asian Centella, which actively stimulates the production of elastane and collagen. Due to this, the skin remains elastic and tightened.

Extracts of white camellia and raspberry, in turn, can make the skin softer and more hydrated. Also among the listed components, Siberian cedar and sea buckthorn oil is worth noting, which actively saturate the upper layer of the epidermis with vitamins.


Good comments are left by the women who took advantage of the product and tested its effectiveness on themselves.They argue that this cream is an excellent confirmation that you should not overpay for the brand and beautiful packaging. Means for the manufacture of which were used secret recipes Russian herbalist, are no worse, if not better, than expensive creams.

At first, the low price of many buyers is alarming, because everyone is accustomed to the fact that they have to pay more for organics. But there is no dirty trick, and cosmetics made from herbs really work, despite the suspiciously low cost.

To obtain the desired effect, the product must be properly applied to the face. Day cream should be used after washing, when the skin is well cleansed and there are no other products on it. It can serve as a good base for makeup, as it moisturizes enough. A night is applied to cleansed skin just before bedtime. For a couple of hours of sleep, the product penetrates into the upper layers of the epidermis and nourishes it. As a result, in the morning the skin looks moist and well-groomed.

Reviews confirm that the cream is really very high quality, and worth the money. It does not cause allergies, peeling or rashes. So choose a product that is suitable for the age category and skin type, and use the secret recipes of Siberian herbal medicine for your pleasure.

Facial Care Product Review "Recipes grandmother Agafi" See the video below.

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