Bubble manicure

Bubble manicure

Modern fashion makes women constantly in search of something bright and new. This applies not only to outfits and hairstyles, but also to a manicure, which is a must-have addition to any image. For those who like to be distinguished by an unusual appearance, a bubble manicure will be a good option. Nails, decorated in this design, allow girls to always be the center of attention.

Bubble manicure appeared quite recently, but already managed to hit everyone with its uniqueness. The nails in this design look like balls from chewing gum. In fact, this is nothing but a variation of the 3D manicure, which allows you to increase the volume of the nail plate, thanks to which the masters can get the original shape of the inflated ball. This manicure is well suited for the fair sex, who like to constantly experiment and choose non-standard images.

Advantages and disadvantages

Although the bubble manicure is considered very strange, many girls still decide on it. Like any other type of nail design, it has pros and cons. The main disadvantages of the bubble design include material used in nails. This is acrylic. Under the influence of acrylic, the nails become weak and brittle, then a lot of time and care is required for their further recovery. therefore with such a manicure is not recommended to go more than a month.

Balls are inconvenient and in wearing. This design is hard to get used to. In addition, when choosing a bubble manicure, a girl should be prepared for the fact that those around her will not understand her correctly and shower her eyes. Despite the presence of negative characteristics, in this design there are also positive points:

  • Extraordinary. For lovers of extravagance this is the best way to design nails.
  • Persistence Manicure is made from durable acrylic, so the paint lasts a long time, at least a month.
  • Unique effect. Manicure looks beautiful on short claws, which are the main competitors of long nails in bubble design.

Form features

America is considered the birthplace of many trends in fashion, and the bubble manicure is no exception. Although such a nail design and won few fans, but still managed to attract attention. Its distinctive feature is the non-standard form of nails. During the build-up specialists give the nail plate unusual look of the ball, which is very similar to a bubble with a chewing gum. To achieve a stunning effect, the masters also decorate the manicure with rhinestones or beads. The result is an unusual bulging and slightly humpy nail.

Of course you should not argue about tastes. Therefore, some girls see in this manicure something interesting, unique, constantly attracting look. For other ladies, the design turned out to be too strange, and the so-called “balls” they are associated not with bubble gum, but with some kind of a disease of the nail plate. Despite the presence of opponents, this trend is beginning to be popular, as the manicure in the form of "balls" helps to look brighter and extravagant.


Bubble Nails are one of the varieties of modern 3D buildup performed by acrylic.

Manicure is done on pre-cut and ground nails. Also, the procedure requires careful polishing. If the length of the nail is too short, then special plastic molds are used to extend it.To get the shape of the ball, the masters first have to cover the entire nail with acrylic, and then add a unique substance to the middle of the plate, which allows making a round shape.

As a rule, acrylic is baked in the lamp. After receiving the formed nail shape, the experts proceed to the design of its design. Very popular are pasting, glitter, rhinestones and bright colors. Thanks to this decoration, manicure becomes even more noticeable. It will be difficult to decorate such a form and decorate it at home, since this will require not only professional equipment, but also all the necessary materials and skills.

Stages of implementation

To create such an unusual manicure can not do without the help of a specialist who has undergone special training and will be able to make nail-bubbles. In that case, if you did not manage to find a suitable master, you can independently experiment at home and create a bubble manicure. Before starting the procedure, The following equipment and materials should be purchased:

  • Monomer;
  • Primer;
  • Glue;
  • Acrylic;
  • Tipsy;
  • Boat;
  • Rectangular brush;
  • Luck;
  • UV lamp;
  • Manicure tools;
  • Sequins, rhinestones.
7 a photo

Before you apply acrylic on your nails, you should prepare and carefully study the lining schemes. As an option - you can first try on a girlfriend. It should be noted that after such treatment of the nails, the plate may be deformed, which requires a lot of time and care to heal. Therefore, in this manicure can not make mistakes and you need to do everything correctly according to the instructions, observing the following rules:

  • The work surface must be prepared and well lightened.
  • Before the manicure, it is recommended to hold the fingers in the treatment bath, and then the surface of the nails should be degreased.
  • The cuticle is subject to obligatory preparation, it is processed and removed with the help of a wooden stick.
  • The surface of the nail plate is cleaned with a nail file to obtain a rough base.
  • Tips are selected in accordance with the size and width of the nail. They are glued to the tips of the nails, tightly pressed, cut off the unnecessary length of the boat. Also tips give the appropriate shape, for this they are processed with a nail file.
  • Primer is applied and dried on natural nails.
  • Acrylic powder should be mixed with the monomer thoroughly, until a uniform consistency is formed. For the bubble manicure it is necessary to cover the nails with a thick layer of acrylic, in the middle of the dried layer are laid out lumps, consisting of a special mixture. Thanks to them, it is possible to quickly and easily create a dome shape. In some cases, the dome is slightly shifted to the end of the claws, it all depends on the selected design.
  • The acrylic surface is smoothed with a brush pretreated with monomer.
  • Acrylic form is fixed in the lamp.
  • Nails are well polished and polished.
  • The decoration is done with varnish, rhinestones or sparkles.


To date, it is impossible to imagine life without fashion. She surrounds women everywhere, ranging from exquisite outfits and ending with the original manicure. Unfortunately, new trends do not always receive positive feedback. For example, an unconventional bubble manicure for some women became the original design of nails, while others caused horror and shock. Considering the reviews of fans of this nail design, it should be noted that this is a completely new direction in nail design, thanks to which any girl will not be overlooked and will always be on top, creating a shocking.

As for the opponents of such a bright fashion, it is best for them to choose a standard manicure, because nail-bubbles will not allow them to exist normally. They need to get used not only physically, but also psychologically.

More details on how to make a bubble manicure - in the next video.

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