How to wash coffee with white and colored clothes?

How to wash coffee with white and colored clothes?

Coffee stains are considered to be one of the most persistent and most difficult to remove on the fabric. It is desirable to remove fresh stains from a spilled drink immediately, otherwise it will be much more difficult to remove dried contamination. Consider how to wash coffee with white and colored clothes, without spoiling your favorite thing.

How to remove a fresh spot?

Most of the spilled liquid should be removed from clothing with dry wipes or a soft cloth. The napkin must be placed on the contaminated area and allowed to soak. In no case can you rub the pollution, otherwise the coffee broth will penetrate deeper into the fibers of the fabric, and the stain will cover an even larger area. Then the contamination should be washed with hot water (not more than 60 degrees) and wash.

Effective in the fight against fresh stains from coffee is glycerol. Apply the heated agent to the stained surface, leave for 20 minutes and rinse thoroughly with warm water, after which the thing must be washed. Glycerin can be mixed with salt.

The resulting mixture is applied to the stain and aged for half an hour. Then the clothes are washed in the machine in the usual mode.

The downside of using glycerin are traces that may remain on clothing. But they can easily be removed with soap.

Dried pollution

It is recommended to immediately wash clothes poured with coffee, but this is not always feasible, especially in those cases if you are not at home and you do not have the necessary cleaning products on hand or you do not have time for washing.

The task to remove dried pollution is more difficult, but quite doable:

  • The easiest way to remove a dried spot is to soak the contaminated area in boiling water, and then wash the thing. But this method is not suitable for every fabric. It is recommended to use boiling water only on cotton or linen fabric, but it can spoil clothes made of silk, wool or synthetics.
  • A solution of salt or soda will help to cope with the dried, but not yet old stain. Standard proportions are one tablespoon of soda or salt per two liters of water (an increase in concentration is acceptable). The product is soaked in this solution for 1-2 hours, after which it should be washed with ordinary powder.
  • Severe contamination will help clean the solution from the same amount of vinegar, water, and detergent. The solution is treated with a stain and left for 10-15 minutes, after which the product must be thoroughly rinsed.

Old traces

If traces of coffee are not cleaned from clothes in a short time, the drink deeply eats into the fibers of the fabric. At removal of such pollution the special approach is required.

Glycerin can not only remove fresh traces of coffee, it will also help to cope with old pollution. A couple of drops of ammonia solution are mixed with a teaspoon of water and one teaspoon of glycerin. The mixture is rubbed on an old stain until it disappears completely. Then it is worth washing the thing manually or in the washing machine.

White products from cotton or linen fabric can be cleaned from old coffee stains by resorting to boiling method. Soda ash is added to the water, after which clothes are soaked in this solution for 40 minutes. After soaking, things are boiled in a solution from water and bleach (for 1 liter of water - 60 grams of liquid) for half an hour.

To remove a stubborn old stain, the following method is perfect, which requires some effort:

  • Toothbrush should be moistened in warm water and clean the contaminated area with it.
  • Thing washed in a soapy solution with the addition of soda ash (1/2 teaspoon of soda per liter of water).
  • After washing, the product is rinsed twice in water at room temperature.
  • The last step is to rinse in cold water, which is slightly acidified with vinegar.

Colored things

For removing stains from colored clothing should not use aggressive solutions that can discolor fabric. It is forbidden to use whiteness and products that contain bleach.

Not recommended to use undiluted ammonia, but a solution of a teaspoon of ammonia, a tablespoon of soap chips and a glass of water will easily cope with a coffee stain on colored clothes without damaging the thing. The solution is applied to the contaminated area and aged for 20 minutes, after which the thing must be washed.

One of the most popular means for removing coffee stains on colored clothes is vinegar. The colored thing is soaked in a solution of water and vinegar (in a ratio of one to one) for 10-15 minutes, then rinsed in ordinary water.

Color thing can be soaked in warm soda solution for a couple of hours, then wash in the washing machine. To make a solution, you need to take three tablespoons of soda per five liters of water.

On white fabric

Coffee stains on white fabric are well discolored with hydrogen peroxide. To remove dark saturated stains from a white shirt, usual bleaches and other cleaning products, which contain bleaching powder, are suitable. If the thing is made of natural fabrics (linen or cotton), it can be boiled in water with the addition of whiteness or laundry soap.

It is recommended to first soak white things from a more delicate fabric in a solution of water and soda ash (15 g soda per 1 liter of water). The second stage will be the usual wash. Then the place of pollution must be treated with hydrogen peroxide and left for 10-15 minutes, after which the thing should be thoroughly rinsed.

It should be noted that the preliminary soaking of any thing in an aqueous solution with soda ash will greatly facilitate the subsequent removal of coffee stains. After this treatment, any detergents will affect the product more effectively.

Oxalic acid effectively fights contamination on light fabrics. On a glass of water you need to add half a teaspoon of oxalic acid. In addition to the mixture, you can add a teaspoon of citric acid. The contamination is thoroughly treated with a solution, after which the cleaned area is washed with warm water.

Another effective way to remove coffee stains from a light-colored fabric is using a solution of hydrosulfate. Use two teaspoons of hydrosulphate for one glass of water. After treating the stains with this solution, the thing should be washed in soapy water, to which ammonium chloride is previously added (two teaspoons per liter of soap solution).

On different materials

Each type of fabric differs in individual composition of threads. Before processing this or that product with strong substances, it is recommended to pre-apply the solution to an inconspicuous area of ​​clothing.

When you make sure that the selected solution does not have a detrimental effect on the fabric, you can begin to remove the coffee stain.

Clothes made from natural fabrics (linen or cotton) can be washed using ordinary laundry soap. It is recommended to boil white clothes after washing, but do not do this with colored things.

Coffee stains on cotton and linen can be washed with a solution of sodium hydrosulfate and soda. One tablespoon of the acid salt of sodium and sulfuric acid is mixed with a tablespoon of salt. The resulting mixture is diluted in one glass of water. The contaminated item is soaked in the solution for one hour, then subjected to hand-washing in warm water.

Things made of silk and wool are well cleaned with solutions of ammonia. Often, a soap solution is used to remove coffee stains on such clothes. A thing is pre-wiped up in a soapy mixture, and then washed in the usual way in a typewriter. The following components are necessary for the manufacture of such a solution:

  • soap chips;
  • water (prepare one liter);
  • ammonia (not less than three and not more than six teaspoons).

The solution of water (1 tbsp. L.), Glycerol (1 tsp.) And ammonia (1 tsp.) Works well with the removal of dirt from silk and wool fabrics.

When using ammonia solution to remove coffee stains, special attention should be paid to thoroughly rinsing clothes, otherwise a strong smell may remain on the product.

Another popular tool for removing coffee from silk fabric is a solution of alcohol (20 g), water (20 g) and ammonia (1 g). They are rubbed with pollution, after which the stain is dried and rinsed in water.

Silk can be cleaned with 10% borax solution. The product must be placed on a hard, flat surface. Apply the solution to the contaminated area and wait for a while. Then the item is thoroughly rinsed and erased by the traditional method.

To remove coffee from jeans, the following method is often used: the material is treated with soap, then the contaminated area is cleaned with a toothbrush. Previously, it is dipped in 2% ammonia.

To remove coffee traces from denim products are used and diluted in water. salary. Also dried traces on jeans are derived from oxalic acid. A five percent acid solution is kept on the material for fifteen minutes. Then the item is thoroughly rinsed and, if necessary, washed in room-temperature water with laundry soap.

Pollution on light synthetics can be cleaned. hydrogen peroxide. One tablespoon of peroxide should be mixed with half a glass of water, then the solution should be applied to the contaminated area and left for a quarter of an hour. After cleaning, the product is washed with regular powder.

Synthetic fabric can be cleaned with ordinary dishwashing gel. Detergent is applied to the pollution, lightly foamed and left for 5-10 minutes, then erase the thing manually.

Useful tips

If it is not possible to immediately fix the spoiled item, it is necessary to pretreat the coffee stain in order to make the further purification process easier.

It is necessary to wash the contaminated area under a stream of hot water.

It is worth considering that the stains from spilled coffee, in which milk was added, should not be rinsed with hot water. Milk protein coagulates under the influence of high temperatures, which makes the stain difficult to remove.

Coffee trail can be poured with ordinary soda or fine salt, which prevents deep penetration of the drink into the fabric fibers and setting of the stain. Some have resorted to the use of industrial stain removers. However, this method can be detrimental to clothing.

It is necessary to carefully examine the label on the clothes, which will indicate the composition of the material and the permissible temperature of washing. It is better to entrust the cleaning of things from delicate fabric to professionals, therefore it is worth taking the thing to dry-cleaning.

For more information on removing coffee stains from clothes, see the next video.

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