Yeast Hair Mask

Yeast Hair Mask

Proper and constant care of the hair is the key to their healthy appearance, shine, softness and silkiness. If you do not pay enough attention to the hair, it will quickly become dull, disobedient, homely.

Cleansing is undoubtedly one of the most important points of care. However, food is equally important. The scalp and the curls should constantly receive the necessary amount of vitamins, macro- and microelements, nutrients. All these needs can be satisfied with a yeast hair mask.


Yeast hair products contain the following valuable ingredients:

  • squirrels, being a building material of hair, which allow to restore its structure;
  • thiamine improves blood circulation in the skin, stimulating the supply of oxygen by the bulbs, is necessary for hair growth;
  • Riboflavin, vitamin B2, responsible for the healthy glow of curls;
  • pantothenic acid, vitamin B5. Regulate sebum production, strengthen roots and prevent hair loss;
  • folic acid necessary for stable cell division and their regular change;
  • potassium is a vital element and helps to strengthen hairs, struggling with their loss;
  • zinc is responsible for the restoration of the dermis and hair growth;
  • iron is responsible for blood circulation and oxygenation, strengthens the follicles and has a beneficial effect on the skin;
  • amino acids Stimulate the natural process of collagen formation, hair needed for volume and fluffiness.

Due to this rich composition and carefully selected nature of the concentration of the components, the yeast has an incredibly beneficial effect on the curls. They are an excellent remedy against excessive hair dryness. Regular use makes the curls elastic, gives strength and elasticity. It also has a beneficial effect on the skin and hair follicles in it. The circulation of blood and nutrients in the dermis improves, the bulbs are restored and strengthened, the roots become stronger and healthier.

Masks can contain both brewer's yeast and bakery. Both options have a full range of nutrients, but have some features.

Means based on live baking yeast will contain the maximum concentration of nutrients. Their disadvantage is that finding them in stores is not so easy. There is an opportunity to purchase them in the markets. On the shelves of supermarkets there are dry yeast, which also have a useful composition, but the mask with raw will be more effective.

Brewer's yeast is not so difficult to find, they are sold in any pharmacy in the form of capsules or tablets. The mask of fresh brewer's yeast will be especially effective when the drug is used together and inside. However, it must be remembered that taking this drug increases appetite and stimulates weight gain. If you do not need this effect, it is better to do only external use of the product.

In addition to the main active ingredient, the mask for the care of hair often also contains additional products. They vary depending on the type of hair and tasks. The following types of remedies can be distinguished:

  • to boost growth;
  • for volume;
  • for damaged and dry strands;
  • for oily epidermis, normalizing sebum production;
  • against baldness;
  • to combat dandruff.

Popular brands

It is often difficult for a woman to find a large amount of time for self-care in the modern rhythm of life. Homemade hair mask requires effort and time spent on cooking. To get the full effect of its required to hold on to the hair for some time - and this is half an hour, and even an hour of waiting. In addition to all this, many natural ingredients are poorly washed out of the strands, which makes the procedure of washing off the composition of a long and tedious.

For those who wish to avoid all these inconveniences or simply do not have the ability and desire to mess with self-preparation means, the cosmetic industry produces yeast-care products.

Let's take a closer look at some of them.

The yeast mask for hair growth of the brand is very popular. "Grandma Agafya's Recipes". Trust inspires that the main active ingredient, namely beer yeast, is in the composition in the first place. This means that the content of this component is much higher than the other components. Additional useful ingredients are milk thistle and elecampane extracts. These plants are rich in virtually all vitamins, trace elements, various fatty acids. Birch sap provides full hydration of curls, contains vitamin C and tannins, which strengthen the hair surface. The extract from the cone berries stimulates the growth of hairs, gives natural shine and density to the curls.

It is noteworthy that in the composition of the tool there are no harmful synthetic additives. Cetearyl alcohol, derived from coconut, is a stabilizer for the mixture, acts in addition as a protective agent for the epidermis. Also among the ingredients there is guar gum, which works as an air conditioner, makes hair soft and manageable, makes combing easier. Wheat germ oil is famous for its beneficial properties. It perfectly moisturizes, has a wound-healing effect, fights against dryness and hair loss. Blackcurrant seed oil protects against the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. Rosehip nourishes and heals split ends. Oil obtained from cedar nuts restores the structure of the hair and epidermis, protects against harmful environmental factors.

The mask has a pleasant texture and smell, well applied. The effect of use becomes visible after the first use, but reaches its maximum strength after a few months. With long-term use, hair may become fatter, therefore, after a course of procedures, it is necessary to take a break and resume application when it becomes necessary.

The brand "Fito Cosmetic" produces a mask called "Traditional Yeast". The consistency of the tool is thick and fluffy, similar to butter. It has a pleasant caramel aroma. It is used quite standardly, applied to wet hair along their entire length.

The rapidity of the action of the composition is striking; only three to five minutes are enough for the result to be noticeable. Well nourishes, gives shine, makes the strands obedient and beautiful. But can cause rapid contamination.

The composition has an extract of brewer's yeast, but, unfortunately, it is far from the first place. In addition, it contains hop infusion, olive oil, jojoba, pine nuts, milk whey, aloe vera extract.

Company DNC has created yeast product designed to stimulate hair growth. The composition of the mask is completely natural. It contains dry yeast, milk protein, sugar obtained from cane, mustard powder, natural extracts of herbs such as nettle, cornflower and pharmaceutical chamomile. This product is available in powder form in single-use packaging. Some time is necessary for the yeast to start working due to the presence of sugar in the composition. The process is similar to the preparation of yeast dough.When the mask is increased several times, it should be mixed and applied to the hair roots and skin. It is better to close the hair with a hat and wrap a towel. The presence of mustard warms the epidermis and improves blood circulation. It is necessary to maintain the composition for about half an hour, and then wash it off with the help of ordinary means; after washing, use conditioner.

How to do at home

Despite the presence of industrial cosmetics with yeast, many women prefer to prepare such masks on their own. At home cooking, you can choose really high-quality ingredients in the quantities and combinations that you need.

There is one subtlety in the use of yeast for hair, which many people forget. Before use, you need to provoke the fermentation process, make the yeast wake up and work. The process of active fermentation improves metabolic processes in the dermis of the head, which has a beneficial effect on the health and appearance of curls.

Yeast for the preparation of the mixture can be any: fresh, dry or baking. To begin with, they are diluted with a warm liquid. This may be milk or water body temperature, about 35-47 degrees. Sugar or honey is added to the mixture, which can feed the yeast. All this is left to warm for a while. Once the mixture has increased two to three times, you can mix it and add the rest of the ingredients.

Remember that yeast has a peculiar smell. After application to get rid of it, you can rinse the hair with a decoction of herbs.

Various ingredients can be added to the mask to achieve the desired effect. We give a particularly popular recipes for yeast remedies.

Mustard for hair growth

Mustard has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the skin, warming it. In addition to yeast, it has a stimulating effect on the hair follicles, accelerating the growth of curls. In this recipe, two tablespoons of yeast are diluted with milk at a temperature of about 37 degrees and add a tablespoon of sugar. After the mixture has settled, add a teaspoon of mustard powder. The composition is applied to the scalp and hair, and the tips are further treated with any vegetable oil to avoid drying. Maintain the composition for half an hour and wash off.

Onion against hair loss

Onion juice since ancient times is known for its effective action against baldness. Yeast diluted with water and enter a teaspoon of sugar. Onions must be grated on a fine grater and squeezed through gauze. After the yeast earns, they pour in three spoons of onion juice, a capsule of an oily form of vitamin E and a couple of drops of myrtle oil. The composition is distributed over the dermis and scalp, wrapped in a hat and a blanket. Incubated the mixture for forty minutes and rinse using regular shampoo. It is recommended to repeat the procedure twice a week.

For damaged and loose strands

Two tablespoons of yeast diluted with milk and honey. When the mixture "fits" like dough, add the egg yolk to her, a large spoonful of vegetable fat and two spoons of high-fat sour cream. The tool is applied throughout the hair and incubated for forty minutes. It is recommended to make masks in a course of six applications and take a break for three days. Such a composition will have a powerful nutritional and regenerating effect.


The combination of the main ingredient with fermented milk products has a moisturizing and nourishing action, gives the hair a volume and stimulates hair growth. This mask is traditional and suitable for any type of hair. Heated kefir is heated to body temperature with yeast. Kefir contains milk sugar, so it is not necessary to additionally sweeten the mixture. Half of the resulting mass is gently rubbed into the skin, the rest is distributed over the hair. Stand forty minutes and wash off.If the curls are very dry, you can add a tablespoon of sour cream to the mixture.

For dry and brittle hair

The oils in addition to the main active ingredient perfectly restore the damaged hair structure, nourish and heal them. After applying such a mask strands acquire natural radiance, softness and smoothness. Combine olive and castor oil and gently heat it without boiling, inject sugar and bring it to full dissolution. The composition must be cooled to body temperature and pour yeast. When the mixture is suitable, put it on the entire length of the curls and incubated for half an hour.

Vitamin with Kiwi

Kiwi has an enviable content of vitamin C and trace elements. As a result, the strands feed intensively, returning them a healthy appearance, grooming and obedience. Yeast is diluted with milk and honey. Cook the kiwi while the mixture fits. The fruit must be cleaned and pureed with a fork or blender. All ingredients are mixed and applied to the hair for half an hour. After that, warm water is thoroughly washed.

For fatty strands

Yeast is diluted with water and left in a warm place. A fluffy whipped mass is prepared from the protein of the chicken egg and is combined with the brew. The mask is distributed over the hair and dermis of the head and left to dry completely. Rinse with the usual shampoo.


The action of capsaicin, the active substance of red pepper, has long been known. It is used to stimulate the growth of hairs, cure their loss, strengthen and heal. Yeast, as in other recipes, is diluted with water and left to grow. After the mass increases in volume, it is mixed with two tablespoons of red hot pepper tincture. The tool is applied exclusively on the skin and make a compress from cellophane and towels. Mask need to keep at least twenty minutes, but listen to the sensations. If the burning sensation is too strong, it is better to wash off the composition in order not to get burned. Pepper perfectly stimulates blood circulation and curls.

With rosemary

Rosemary essential oil helps to clean, nourish hair, give it extra volume and healthy shine. Yeast prepared in the usual way. Then combine with a large spoon of burdock oil, dripping three or four drops of rosemary oil. Bring to a uniform consistency and flavor curls and skin for an hour. The head should be closed with a hat and a towel, and after a time, wash off the composition with shampoo.

Remember that many natural ingredients can cause an individual reaction. This is especially true of honey, chicken eggs, essential oils. Be sure to test for an allergic reaction before using the prescription for the first time. If no negative effects will not be, you can safely apply the composition to the hair and skin.

Be careful of recipes with aggressive active ingredients such as pepper or mustard. During the application, listen to your feelings and do not try to endure as long as possible. Burn treatment is a rather unpleasant procedure, so try to do without it.

Some mixtures may have a not very pleasant smell. By themselves, yeast have a flavor that is not to everyone's taste. And in combination, for example, with onion juice, give a unique spirit. After applying a similar composition, use a decoction of herbs, such as chamomile or sage for rinsing. You can add a small amount of your favorite essential oil to the water, or just use a familiar conditioner.

If you follow all the rules of use, yeast can hit you with its effectiveness. This storehouse of nutrients since ancient times was used by women to care for curls. Proven funds do not need advertising. Perhaps their use is somewhat more complicated than that of industrial cosmetics, but it is certainly worth it.


About the benefits of yeast for the treatment and nutrition of hair is not a debate.This is a long-proven tool that has a visible effect. On a par with such nutritional ingredients as honey, egg, various vegetable oils, most doctors and cosmetologists recommend them. With a reasonable selection of ingredients and proper use, yeast mask helps to cope with hair loss, accelerate their growth, make it thicker, shiny, elastic and healthy.

How to make a mask for the growth of hair on the basis of yeast at home, see this video.

Many women know and love this ingredient in hair care products. There is absolutely no controversy on the subject of industrial cosmetics with yeast. Almost all the reviews, for example, about the Agafia Grandma Recipes brand tool, are positive. The mask has a pleasant texture, smell, after the procedure, the curls become soft and silky, easy to comb, get shine and healthy look. The only thing that does not suit customers is the lack of noticeable hair growth after application of the tool.

The presence on the shelves of stores with yeast does not turn the ladies away from the use of their own cooked compositions. Most consider them more effective and natural. It can be said that home remedies are highly trusted by users. But in the case of an independent recipe selection, there is a risk of choosing the wrong ingredients. Many substances can cause allergies, so never be lazy to check the tool before the first use.

For the preparation of the mixture, you can use any type of yeast that you can buy in stores, in markets or in pharmacies. Judging by the reviews, the most effective women consider live brewer's yeast.

When used, they often make a mistake without letting the yeasts begin to work. As in the preparation of the dough, it is necessary to dilute them with warm water, feed them with sugar or honey and let stand in a warm place for 15-20 minutes. During this time, the process of active fermentation will begin, which will saturate the skin with nutrients. Some recommend using kefir instead of sweet additives.

In the reviews, the ladies clarify that the tool should be used in several courses. For most recipes, you need to take a break after this. In no case do not use yeast masks every day. Excessively frequent use may cause an allergic reaction and glut of some vitamins. It is recommended to change the active ingredients in a couple of months so as not to cause addiction.

It can be said that the use of homemade yeast masks is the best option for leaving if there is enough time.

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