Facial Vitamin E Oil

Facial Vitamin E Oil

The concept of "avitaminosis" can be used not only in those cases when in the spring, the body "starved" for fresh vegetables and fruits. The manifestation of a lack of any vitamins affects the condition of the skin and the nails of the hair. Oil with vitamin E for the skin will help to cope with some problems arising from the lack of this vitamin in the body.

Why it is important for the skin

Thanks to tocopherol, the skin of the face looks fresh, young, radiant, rested. Tocopherol - this is the magic additive E, which creates real miracles for the face. It restores the natural beauty, participates in the processes of skin regeneration, using it to heal wounds and scratches. E is present in many foods and enters the body in a natural way. And it can also be purchased at the pharmacy for ingestion or for external use.

Many people ask the question - why is it so important and must necessarily be present in the diet.

  • First of all, it is a necessary "building" element that skin, hair, nails and the body as a whole need. Tocopherol is called the elixir of beauty, because it can really be responsible for appearance.
  • Secondly, it is able to get rid of anemia, it is recommended for cancer, it is important for both children and adults, its use can be very diverse, but with the right dosages will bring only benefit.

Vitamin E for beauty

Its deficiency is manifested in what is called on the face - the skin becomes dry, dull, lifeless, and even expensive creams and cosmetics cannot return its radiance and good tone. Usually, cosmetologists can determine the lack of vitamin E by the appearance of their patients. And they prescribe a complex treatment where tocopherol is always present.

In pharmacies, vitamin is sold in capsules, it, if necessary, is prescribed for internal use.

The same preparation in capsules is used for the preparation of certain types of face masks, for the skin of hands, and a special solution is prepared with a vitamin content for masks applied to the hair. In general, E is produced in the female body independently, but over the years, every woman needs the additional use of an active biological additive.

  • In winter tocopherol protects the skin from dryness - you can add the oil from the capsules purchased at the pharmacy to your favorite face cream, or buy a new tocopherol-based.
  • In the spring with the help of it charming women rush to get rid of freckles, irritations and rashes on the skin.
  • Summer - This is the best protector from excess UV in the sun.
  • well and in the autumn it will support the body in the period of prolonged rains and gray everyday life.

Ready vitamin E is sold in several forms: oily solution, capsules and ampoules. All three options can be used for different applications - inside or outside. For the skin of the face has developed many options for different recipes masks. Many of them have a lifting effect, after applying the skin looks younger and with an enviable flush, desquamation and dryness disappear, and there is no point in spending on expensive cosmetic preparations.

Where does

The most delicious products are rich in beauty vitamins. First of all, this butter, cod liver, it is a lot in tuna, squid is rich in vitamin E. This important component for the body is present in cereal products, in bran, in many types of nuts. It is in white cabbage, in cucumbers, in spinach leaves, beans, and peas. A lot of vitamin in vegetable oils - soybean, olive, corn, cedar, sesame.

The constant use of these products will not allow the body to suffer from a lack of vitamin E, which primarily affects the skin of the face.

Cooking masks at home

The simplest masks with tocopherol moisturize, nourish, protect, rejuvenate the skin. They should be applied regularly - two or even three times a week depending on age. You can use one ampoule in combination with honey and natural yoghurt without additives. The components are mixed in equal proportions, the finished mixture is applied to areas of the face with pronounced wrinkles for about 20 minutes.

The mask with glycerin and vitamin E is very popular in the network, the video below vividly describes the process of preparing and applying such a mask.

The oily composition of the vitamin goes well with natural oils. For example, to prepare a face mask, take a solution of vitamin E, the same peach oil and myrrh oil for the smell. The finished composition is applied to the face through the massage lines. The effect is not long in coming. After a couple of weeks you will hear amazing reviews about your appearance.

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