Pedicure at home

Modern girls are used to taking care of their feet, especially their feet, not only during the summer holidays, but throughout the year. Well-groomed nails and smooth skin gives ladies confidence, and a beautiful pedicure is an impressive piece of image. Pedicure procedures are very popular in beauty salons, but they can be expensive. But nothing prevents the beauties to learn how to perform a pedicure at home.
How to do at home?
To do a pedicure itself is not so difficult if you follow the step by step instructions and take into account the peculiarities of your skin and nails. For beginners it is useful to practice at least once a week. Gradually, you will learn to independently take into account all the nuances and gradually give a well-groomed look to the feet. Regular pedicure will give you the opportunity not only to restore and protect your skin from damage, but also to create a fancy design on your nails with your own hands.
To do a pedicure correctly, you need to remember that it is a step-by-step process that requires the preparation of feet and a certain amount of time. To hurry in the treatment of legs is not worth it, especially for beginners. At home, in advance, take care of the cleanliness of the room and good lighting where you will perform the procedure.
What do you need?
For the pedicure procedure to be successful, you need to take care of the equipment and devices for its implementation. Every girl should have a pedicure set. Among the components of the set are the following mandatory elements:
- tweezers;
- nailfile;
- pedicure scissors;
- orange stick;
- cuticle tweezers.
Sometimes the list includes a greater number of devices - various types of scissors and cuticle devices. In some sets there are skin care products - creams, scrubs, balms (and even special foot masks). Such kits are quite expensive, so each girl can make an alternative to purchased products with her own hands - using household tools every day.
There are two tools that will transform your feet - hydrogen peroxide and ordinary baking soda. They are used for baths.
If you have serious problems with corns and calluses, then do not neglect the use of keratolytics - tools that are based on salicylic acid, alcohol solution and other substances that help remove dead skin. Some tools help get rid of the fungus.
Rules and Stages
It is very important to follow a certain sequence of actions in creating a pedicure. Before starting the procedure, remove the old nail polish from the nails using nail polish remover.
At the first stage it is necessary to take care of the shape of the nails. This should be done with the help of a pedicure scissors and a special file. Nails should be cut only in a straight line, not rounding the ends. Otherwise, there will be ingrowth of the nail plate.
The most useful is to use a glass file because it has a soft texture, carefully adjusts the shape of the nail and is durable.
To the entire surface of the nail was smooth, use a file for polishing. Start on the rougher side and sand the surface with the soft side of the file.
An important step is the foot bath. It can be done both before and after adjusting the shape of the nails.If you start a pedicure with this procedure, then remember that you can use the nail file only after the nail plate is completely dry.
There are different types of baths:
- Refreshing and toning - With the addition of peppermint essential oil and sea salt.
- Disinfectant - with baking soda. It is suitable for the prevention and treatment of fungal diseases.
- Relaxing - with chamomile. Suitable for ladies whose legs are subjected to heavy loads for the whole day - especially for lovers of high heels.
- Wellness - with sea salt. It helps to disinfect the skin of the foot.
Some ladies right at home doing foot bath using technology spa. This pedicure will take a little more time, but the effect will be unforgettable. Features of the spa bath in that it includes aromatic oil. Then a foot massage is performed using a scrub. Due to the combination of these procedures, girls get effective exfoliation of hardened skin cells of the feet.
To soften the skin of the feet properly and safely, certain recommendations should be considered:
- The bath should not be very hot, so that it does not burn the skin.
- If the skin has sores and lesions, wait with salt.
- Use a towel after the bath. It perfectly absorbs moisture and helps dry your feet.
- Take care of the foot bath if you have problems with blood circulation.
Remove hardened skin
When your feet are steamed and soft, it's time to remove the hardened skin.
The area where the skin gets rough is the fastest - heels. Pumice is most commonly used to get rid of dead cells. Pumice stone with sufficiently large grains is suitable for the most compacted and dry places feet. Most often these are the edges of the heels, where there are tenants. Fine-grained pumice is suitable for other areas and for grinding.
One way to soften the skin of the feet - a mask for the legs. The most affordable option is to apply a moisturizing and softening cream on steamed feet before bedtime. After that, you need to wear warm socks all night. Alternatively, you can use ready-made masks, they are sold together with special bags made of cellophane, in which you have to keep your feet to achieve the effect.
To carefully take care of all parts of the feet, use a special scrub for the feet. It will help to completely get rid of hardened skin, even in remote places.
If your feet are prone to sweating, use a special deodorant for the feet, pre-rid the skin of excess moisture.
Cuticle processing
When the foot skin care procedure is completed, it's time to take care of the cuticle. As in manicure, in pedicure there are two options for processing nails - edged and unedged. But cosmetologists do not recommend removing the steamed cuticle on the legs with tweezers, arguing that it is much easier to push it with an orange stick. Particularly scrupulous ladies can use a special softening cuticle cream - and then remove it with a napkin. The probability of injury to the cuticle at pedicure is very small, because after water procedures it is very soft and elastic.
Nail care
Immediately before applying the varnish, it is important to carry out a special procedure for nail care - their degreasing. At the previous stages of a pedicure, the nails were subjected to repeated contact with creams, so the varnish can be bad. To get rid of this problem, carefully treat your nails with nail polish remover. It is very important that it be without acetone. After that, wait 10 minutes, wipe your nails with a dry cloth - and you can proceed to the next step of the pedicure.
An important point in the transformation of the foot is the choice of coating for nails.A variety of coating options for a pedicure is almost as good as manicure options. Easy to use when applying the coating separators for fingers. They help to avoid smearing varnish due to the touch of nails to each other.
If the durability factor is not very important to you or you are just starting to practice a pedicure, choose regular nail polish. To begin with, apply a base transparent varnish, and then - as many layers of color as you see fit. The choice of color depends on the season and on your preference. Apply lacquer in the direction from the root of the nail to its tip, so that the entire width of the nail plate is painted over.
For a full effect and durability of varnish, paint your nails with a fixer, which will help to hold the pedicure longer.
Not spared the pedicure procedure Shellac coating. Its main difference from ordinary varnish is the need for preliminary primer application. This coating can last 5 times longer than ordinary varnish. It is perfect for holidays and offers a huge variety of design options. The disadvantage of shellac is draining the nail plate, but its degree is not critical.
As in manicure, the technique of applying gel polish is common in pedicure. Such coverage can last up to 6 weeks! Remember that the gel-based coating procedure is only possible with a UV lamp. The duration of the procedure will depend on the lamp power. Be sure to apply a base coat of varnish. The main varnish of your chosen color is applied in two layers, then a top coat is applied. The disadvantages of this procedure are its duration and cost of materials, but they are offset by the ability to create nails with an exclusive design for a long time.
For women of fashion offers a huge number of options for nail design, among which every girl can choose a design that suits her.
Fashion trends and design ideas
In order for nails to look well-groomed, it is not at all necessary to load them with a huge amount of sparkles and sequins. Sometimes it is enough to carry out only basic procedures of a pedicure and cover the nail plate with a transparent varnish. To turn your nails into a beautiful detail of the image, you should take care of such pedicure nuances as the color of the lacquer and the drawing.
Color solutions
Choosing a shade of varnish for a pedicure, you should be guided by the following factors:
- skin tone;
- season;
- compatibility with manicure;
- fashion trends;
- specific image;
- the shape of the nail plate.
Skin tone plays an important role when choosing a shade of lacquer. It is very important that it contrasts moderately and does not create the effect of unnaturalness. Owners of warm skin tones should choose different shades of orange and red. For ladies with a cold skin tone, the colors of the blue palette are suitable.
Types of a pedicure for winter and summer seasons are significantly different. During the holidays, beauties choose bright and juicy shades. Nails of yellow, pink and mint colors are favorites of the summer season for more than one year. In winter, preference is given to saturated red, dark and metallic shades.
Drawings on the nails never go out of fashion. Popular thematic images for special occasions. Sometimes girls draw nails on their feet and hands in the same style. Drawing drawing is carried out by means of the same devices, as in manicure - dots, a toothpick, a hairpin, a Q-tip and other improvised materials.
Types and technology
As in manicure, a variety of nail design options are popular in pedicure:
- Point pedicure dotsy. Trend patterns are ladybug, watermelon and flowers.
- Lace Pedicure done using lace appliqués or needles.
- French pedicure represents a variety of color options. The classic style involves imitating the overgrown part of the nail with the help of white.You can combine in such a manicure color shades or combine it with other techniques - for example, with a dot.
- Pedicure with rhinestones - ideal for a special occasion or party. Rhinestones can be arranged in the form of lines or patterns, alternate in color and form fancy compositions.
- Striped pedicure implies many variations, from the ensemble of two shades to the alternation of all the colors of the rainbow. Marine pedicure, the fashion trend of summer, necessarily includes this technique.
- Moon pedicure involves painting the nail hole with one color and the rest of the nail with another. It is beautiful in combination with the technique of French manicure, when the nail hole is combined in shade with the regrown part.
- Matt pedicure - trendy trend. This option looks restrained and simple enough, but at the same time - original and expressive.
- Multicolored pedicure will provide a positive mood. Each nail is designed in individual color. As a rule, there is a contrast between all colors. This pedicure is ideal for a beach party.
- Leopard print never go out of style. It is created using the technique of point manicure. Colors may vary according to your desire. You can arrange the spots randomly, and you can observe strict symmetry.
- Water pedicure - one of the easiest options. It is created by applying a lacquer pattern on the water surface and then transferring the formed film to the nail. The result is necessarily fixed transparent lacquer.
- Ombre pedicure can be done using the gradient technique. Choose two contrasting in color or saturation varnish. Decide on the direction of the gradient and make a smooth transition. Remember that the ombre assumes a not too thick transition line and the dominance of a light shade over a dark one.
Using all these techniques, you can create a huge number of drawings. It is even possible to combine some techniques. Colors you can choose the most different.
Special attention should be paid to the alkaline pedicure. He gained great popularity in beauty salons and is performed only by specially trained professionals. Such a pedicure is fundamentally different from the classic procedure with depairing and multi-stage treatment. The skin of the feet remains dry, but is heated in a towel, and then peeling procedures are carried out with it (using an alkali solution). The procedure ends with a massage that helps to remove all hardened skin particles from the feet.
Useful secrets
Some useful recommendations should be considered. In this case, you can achieve perfect results - beautiful nails will delight as long as possible.
How fast do a pedicure?
It so happens that you have to create a pedicure in an accelerated mode. But real masters make a high-quality professional pedicure even for a limited time. When the road is every minute, ladies should remember a number of tips that help not only not to spoil the image, but also save time:
- Even after taking a shower or bath, the skin of the feet noticeably steamed out. Do a pedicure immediately after a shower, and this will help you save time in the bath.
- Do not dry your nails with a hair dryer. This is not the easiest and safest way. It is easier to hold your nails under a stream of cool water. This will significantly speed up the process of drying varnish.
- Fast treatment with Sellac nail polish or gel polish is possible only if you have a powerful UV lamp. If this is not available, give preference to the usual varnish.
- The ideal option for a quick manicure - cover with a simple design. If you apply the picture in a hurry, the result may not be very accurate. Therefore, it is better to choose a plain or transparent varnish. If you still can not do without the ornament, get a varnish with a cracking effect.It is quite simple to apply - and at the same time very original.
How to prepare a place?
To make the pedicure procedure effective, you need to take care of such a component as the venue.
The place should be well lit so you can see all the details. It can be both daylight and artificial lighting. Do not neglect the use of glasses if you have poor eyesight. Otherwise you may even get injured.
Your feet should be at the same level as your body if you are doing a pedicure yourself. For a more comfortable location of the foot, get a pedicure stand.
It is necessary to disinfect all the tools in advance so as not to infect the infection. Take care of the cleanliness of the room.
Place all the fixtures so that they are located at hand in a convenient for you sequence.
For most girls, it is not very difficult to perform a pedicure yourself. When compared with a manicure, it can be noted that it is much easier to create a complete symmetry of the picture.
Many ladies learn to work with a UV lamp, so you can often meet beauties with a pedicure made with gel polish or shellac. Given the cost of services in the cabin, the girls come to the conclusion that a less expensive option is to independently study the technique of working with the lamp. It is safer to do the pedicure itself, because it is possible to take into account all the features of your feet.
In summer, few people prefer ordinary nail polish. In the period of summer vacations, a gel coating is used predominantly. Upon contact with salt water, sand, shells, the gel successfully rests on the nails, while the lacquer loses its stability.
The most popular shades of summer 2017 are pink, coral and other warm colors.
The pedicure procedure has become a very important part of the life of many beauties. And now, when every girl has the opportunity to do it on her own, it is impossible not to try at least one technique on yourself. Pedicure gives the feet not only an aesthetic transformation, but also health, lightness, and the necessary charge of tone. Do not forget to indulge yourself with this procedure, and your mood will be on top.
How to perform a pedicure at home, see the following video.