Army belt

Army belt

The belt is one of the most important elements of men's clothing, which has been known for a long time. Today, it is necessary not only to support trousers or as a practical accessory. It emphasizes the overall style and sense of taste.

In recent years, the new breath is acquired by the well-known military style. In particular, many men were interested in the army belts, which had already become a kind of classic. And it is easy to understand, because they have a number of advantages.

What is the name of

If we talk about the style and unusual approach to the choice of such an accessory as a belt, then it is worth starting with the correct name of their types. It turns out that this, at first glance, not the most remarkable detail has quite a few different nuances. Let's try to understand them in more detail, having considered the individual elements of the army belt, which allow us to determine its type.

Classic trouser beltwhich was originally used in military uniforms, consists of a standard ribbon, buckle, several loops required for general support, as well as a buckle. In addition, most military belts were decorated with metal or brass plates, which, as a rule, were engraved with the symbols of military units or states to which they belonged.

Of course, for a military attribute, its practicality plays a key role, not design or style. Ribbon colors could vary from black to brown, beige and even white, which was completely dependent on the type and purpose of the belt. The buckle was more dense and closed, and in modern belts there are even automatic options. The abundance of loops was necessary not only for better fixation of the tape, but also for attaching various ammunition, for example, flasks or holsters.

It is easy to understand that even the simplest soldier's belt is very different from the fashionable accessories we are used to. Of course, this is especially noticeable if we take as an example a real military belt, which is often used as additional ammunition. As a result, we can distinguish the following characteristics that distinguish the military waist belt:

  • One of the main and important features is high quality. Such an accessory is made of durable leather or tarpaulin, highly resistant to various factors such as cuts, scratches, moisture and sun;
  • Military belt width, as a rule, significantly more than the "civilian", and may exceed 6-7 cm;
  • Characteristic feature is a plaque. The decoration is discreet. Despite the fact that many of the world's troops have abandoned their belts as the official integral part of the ammunition, the engraving in the form of a symbol of the type of military forces or the national emblem is always present on the metal plates;
  • May have additional moving or fixed loops.

It is worth emphasizing that the real soldier's belt was made in such a way as to ensure ease and convenience for the warrior. That is why such accessories are very practical, the mechanisms of the buckle are reliable, the material noticeably prevails in quality in comparison with the same classic trouser or “casual” belts.


The men's belt in the entire history of its existence has undergone a huge number of changes and innovations. It is not surprising that even in the army there are quite a few types of this piece of clothing. To date, it is very difficult to distinguish some kind of general classification that would make it easy to select something concrete.

However, you can try to separate military belts, depending on their overall style, time of application, region, and others.

For example, among modern connoisseurs of "military" style, army belts of Soviet times are very popular. And we are talking about this field, not the officer's belt belts. The main advantage of such an accessory is a fairly high quality, because if we are talking about the real belt of those times, then you can easily imagine how well they were made, if even today, they have a presentable look and reliability.

The same can be said not only about the belt itself, but also about its buckle.. Its mechanism is quite simple and reliable. And, of course, one should not forget about its main details - the field version was always with a badge decorated with star engraving.

Also separate attention belts military forces of NATO countries. There is a lot of choice for those who are interested in something non-standard. There are belts with double buckle, as a rule these are front options, combined with additional pockets and loops, belts with automatic buckle. Most of them, when compared with the same uniform of the times of the USSR, are belts of the new sample.

As for decoration and engravings, a rectangular or semicircular plaque is a peculiar standard for many field variants. The engraving is different depending on the country or even the type of unit where this equipment is used.

Also worth noting ceremonial options. Their distinguishing feature is the use of a leather substitute, which, however, has a fairly good quality for this type of material. Also draws attention to the free buckle, devoid of jewelry and more open than it becomes like a classic trouser type. The width of the front belts is much smaller - about 4-5 cm. They also often stood out in white.

By the way, the colors are also a feature that stands out modern shaped belts. They are made of thick fabric or tarpaulin, their classic color is khaki or dark camouflage. They are also characterized by small automatic buckles, which make it easy to adjust the length of the belt and fix it.


It is important to understand that today we are acquiring an army belt for a common style. But initially it was intended for completely different purposes. That is why the creation of such an accessory used the most coarse, but reliable materials. Many people know that if you want to buy a really high-quality leather belt, then you should pay attention to the military version of this accessory. Even the old uniform of the times of the USSR is capable of giving odds to modern high-priced brands.

Also do not underestimate the canvas belt. Today it is a priority material for modern uniforms and tactical elements of uniforms. They are quite strong and light. But various leather substitutes are considered impractical material for military uniforms. These are found only in the case of simplified front types of belts.


Very rarely, military options boast a rich decor. Most often, he was inherent in field belts, which were equipped with a badge. For example, the same samples of military uniform of the USSR had an engraving with a star. Some modern shaped patterns can be decorated with inscriptions. But this is rather an exception to the rule, since engraving and additional decoration are a distinctive feature of more “younger” styles.


Military style is clearly not for lovers of a rich palette. As in the case of engraving, military belts are notable for their modesty in terms of colors. In general, the following standard tones can be distinguished:

  • Brown and some shades;
  • Dark blue Met among the marine units;
  • "Sand" color or "khaki";
  • Standard camouflage;
  • White color is, as a rule, ceremonial versions of belts;


A distinctive feature of classic military belts is their width. It significantly exceeds the “civilian” standards and, as a rule, is 6-7 cm. Interestingly, their length often does not change, so don’t be surprised if you don’t find your usual belt size when choosing a military belt, according to your waist. Instead, the army version is equipped with an automatic buckle and additional moving loops, which allow you to easily “fit” the belt to the desired parameters without losing material.

How to wear

Usually there is no problem with wearing an army belt. It is necessary to take into account the fact that it is used as a stylish accessory. However, you can follow some guidelines:

  • The buckle should always be on the left;
  • Army belt made tight enough. This will be especially appropriate if you use it under military-type pants so that the buckle or plaque does not twist;
  • Try to insert it into all loose loops, so that nothing sags;
  • To learn how to properly fasten the army belt, always be guided by the position of the buckle. It should always be clearly centered.
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