Boots stockings for slim legs

Boots stockings for slim legs

All women dream to have long slender legs. Unfortunately, not all of nature has rewarded them. To do this, designers come up with all sorts of models of shoes that can visually pull growth. These include boots - stockings.

Features and benefits

The advantage of this model of boots is that they resemble stockings and are one-on-one repeating the shape of the foot. The models made of leather and suede will not only protect the owner from the cold, but also bring aesthetic pleasure.

Choosing this model of footwear, it is worth remembering that you can wear it for more than one season, which means you have to take the choice seriously. Do not confuse them with boots that are just above the knee. The classic length of boots - stocking - to the middle of the thigh. Visually, they make the female leg feminine, and the image is elegant.

Of the advantages of this model is also worth noting their versatility. They are suitable for both spring and winter with autumn. This means that you can combine them with things designed for different seasons. In the spring with a dress, in the autumn over a dress wearing a cardigan or vest, and in the winter with a fur coat or coat.

Fashion models

Lace up

One of the most fashionable models of boots, these are boots - lace-up stockings. They look unusual and attract attention to the owner of this shoe. There are two options for lacing. The first, more suitable for the warm season, lacing with an open leg. These models are mostly created by designers on a thin heel, hairpin. The second option is closed lace-up boots. These models are suitable for winter and autumn, they look the most strict and are ideal for massive outerwear.

On the sole

There is no ideal option for the winter than boots - stockings on the sole. The sole can be both flat and popular recently massive wedge. It all depends on your preferences. Both the first and second option soles are perfect for everyday wear.

It is worth paying attention when buying not only the quality of the material of the boots, but also the quality of the sole. Be sure to choose a rubberized sole or sole with small spikes, since it will protect you from a possible fall in winter.

On the platform

An excellent solution would be boots on the platform. They are perfect for combination with a down jacket and protect against severe frosts. Most often they are made of suede. In the shop windows in the overwhelming amount of this model is present in dark colors. Massive bottom is already an excellent decorative solution, so the usual functional lightning will be enough.


If you want to look stylish even in fierce frosts, choose the option of boots - stocking with fur. This model is created mainly on a flat sole, and designers offer leather and suede as a material. They will be the perfect complement to a fur coat and a classic wool coat. Stable and warmed boots - stockings will delight you with comfort, warmth and beauty all winter.

With a wide shaft

This season, designers offer to wear us boots - stockings with a wide boot. As a decoration, these models are decorated with rivets, fringe and zippers. This model is also called pipes and very much like hunting shoes. In them the leg, more precisely, part of the thigh will not be clamped by a narrow stitch, which means that you will feel comfortable.

Despite the rough look of boots, the image can be “softened” with properly chosen clothes. Salvation will be this model for women with plump legs and large calves. Such boots will visually fix this problem.But women with too thin legs should abandon this model, otherwise it will create a feeling "like someone else's shoulder."


Oh, this tractor sole, so beloved by all fashionistas. Boots on this sole appeared long ago, back in the 70s, disappearing from sight rather quickly. A few seasons ago, shoes with such soles returned to fashion. Do not be intimidated by such models. Despite all their brutality and massiveness, you can create a feminine bow. Choose boots - stockings with a tractor sole in addition to a mini dress or a flared skirt. The main thing is that things should be made of warm fabrics (tight knitwear, wool, fleece).


A distinctive feature of stretch boots is the material from which they are made. Due to the fact that the boots ideally repeat the shape of the legs, you can create a feminine set. These boots can be complemented with shorts, mini skirts, leggings, skinny jeans, large sweaters and tight-fitting dresses. They are great for a party or other event. This model is ideal for socks both in terms of comfort, and in terms of ease of creating an image. Despite the huge advantages of this model, there is one big drawback. This model is suitable only for girls with perfect shape of legs.


  • Leather. The best and practical option for rainy weather and slush. The main thing is to be careful of additives that can get onto the surface together with sediments and spoil the whole look. To do this, it is necessary to pre-treat them with a special protective agent.
  • From the skin of a deer. The main advantage is to keep the legs warm and all this thanks to the natural fur of the animal. Such boots are durable and spectacular. Add a fur hat and you can go at least to the North Pole.
  • Varnish. There is nothing more daring and evening than lacquer. As a rule, you need to take the presence of one lacquer thing in a bow. All complementary parts must be strictly matte.


This season on the catwalks you can find boots - stockings of various colors and shades. Still, designers rely on practical colors (black, dark blue, beige, brown, gray). This is due to the fact that boots - stockings are not the basic thing in the wardrobe. But for those who are not afraid to be the center of attention, there are still bright models - from impractical to wear white to suede pink or even yellow lacquer.

The favorite color is the mouse. This color will balance your image, shade or underline certain parts of the wardrobe. Gray suede high-heeled boots look impressive. They will be perfectly combined with both things of beige and gray colors. The romance of the image can be emphasized by the dress of a delicate pink shade or warm beige - milk.

Burgundy boots - a great solution for the evening. You can complement them with a dense fabric dress and lipstick of this wonderful shade. The image will be elegant and exciting.

Beige and brown will visually win in combination with monochrome colors. It will not be so easy to pick up, because having made a mistake, the bow can become dull and depressive.

Ginger boots will easily create an accent. Do not overload the image palette. Balance them with a sweater or oversized cardigan and blue skinny jeans.

The combination of gray suede boots with things of turquoise color and electric color will look great.

To suit

Boots - stockings - very spectacular shoes, but not every woman can afford to wear it. If you are the owner of slender legs, you are lucky. On such legs any model of such boots will look spectacular. You can combine them with short shorts, skirts, jeans and a dress.

Owners of slightly plump legs need to be extremely prudent when choosing. The model of boots with an expanded top will suit you. This will visually narrow the width of the legs. To complement this image you need a free elongated cardigan.When choosing exclude white and light colors, as they will only expand. Make a choice in favor of black and dark blue models.

Girls with very thin legs should choose stretch models of boots, as well as lace-up. To hide the extra thinness, wear these models on jeans, complementing the image of a jacket or sweater. Unlike girls with full legs, on the contrary you should choose models of light colors: white, milky, camel, pale pink.

Brand news

Alexander Hotto

The legendary brand, whose founder was originally Alessandro Melkiorri. He was a master of his craft. Nowadays, the brand continues to exist and with success and continuity produces two collections a year. In the catalog there is no boring model. Only bright colors.


The French brand, founded by Louise Carven, still lives on. The main theme for inspiration is the ethnic motif, so the colors are pleasing to the eye. From pale pink to rich yellow, red and blue. All shoes are made only from natural materials. Unusual design and quality instantly fall in love with yourself. The price is appropriate.

Stuart weitzman

The legendary brand from year to year creates an incredible amount of spectacular and high-quality shoes. He has long been fond of Hollywood stars and fashionistas. As the designer himself says, he creates shoes to make women happy, and he definitely does it. Heels designer creates from unusual materials (bamboo, steel, chrome, etc.). The designer adorns shoes even with gold and precious stones. New collection as always pleases the eye. Boots - stockings are made of combined materials and in several colors.


Renaissance is a Russian brand. Participation in the creation of shoes take teams of Italian and French designers. They rely on comfort and style. The boots in the latest collection are varied. From boots - stocking on a flat sole, made of suede to leather high with hidden wedge, with zippers and rivets.

Emilio pucci

The famous Italian brand, loved for bright prints and rich colors. The astronauts who first stepped on the moon were dressed in costumes personally created by Emilio Pucci. Boots from the winter collection are created in the style of Pucci, bright inserts that attract the eye, as always, are present. The basis is red, black, brown and even gold. An important role is played by the heel, in some models of boots is low, steady and transparent. As finishing used inserts and straps.


This brand is relatively young. Created it in 1998, but today it is in a stream of fashion trends. The founders are 4 talented designers. The main philosophy of the brand is to make all women happy. All models are created in the Italian town - Venice. Images as romantic as the city itself.

Anne klein

One of the most famous American brands. Initially, the emphasis was on youth fashion, and then on a sporty style in women's clothing. The goal was to combine comfort and chic. This brand is represented in more than 5 thousand stores around the world. Women prefer boots of this brand because of comfort and material. All boots are made from high quality fine leather. Thus, on the foot, they will be felt like a second skin.

Stylish images and bows

  • Pencil skirt. The combination of this model of skirt and high boots ideally “stretches” the figure.
  • Fluffy skirt. This is the case when not all ages are submissive to this bow. It is perfect for young girls, conveying playfulness and lightness, but if you are far beyond ... you should not experiment, so as not to look like a freak.
  • Asymmetric coats / dresses. Asymmetry is the best friend of boots above the knee. They will make your look more stylish and mundane. Will create some kind of intellectual sexuality.
  • The dress. Almost all styles and models will do. Everything will depend on the height, texture and color of the boots.It is desirable to complement a short dress with flat shoes so as not to look vulgar.
  • Shorts. In this case, the most important thing when creating an image is not to be mistaken with the length and texture of the shorts. Choose classic prints (cage, goose foot, unobtrusive strip).
  • White shirt. To create a stylish look, choose a classic white shirt. The main thing is that it should be of non-translucent tissue. Waist as an option can be emphasized with a thin belt.
  • Trousers. It will look great in matching pants with this shoe. You can choose the top of your choice.

Boots - stockings - elegant and feminine shoes. If before the length to mid-hip looked vulgar, now it looks ultra fashionable. In the selection of the image to the boots the main thing - do not overdo it. It is not worth much to open the neckline or to combine a huge amount of bright details together, because the boots - stockings themselves look spectacular.

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