Foundation cream fluid

Foundation cream fluid

Choosing a tonal tool, girls and women pursue different goals. Someone needs a perfect disguise, someone wants to get rid of the gloss that spoils their appearance, and someone wants only to even out the skin tone, improving its appearance with the help of decorative means.

If there are no obvious problems with the skin, then the foundation cream fluid will be an ideal cosmetic product that can give the desired beauty and attractiveness.

Features and benefits

No one would argue with the fact that the delicate skin of the face needs constant care and protection from the negative influence of environmental factors. Knowing this, modern manufacturers of cosmetics offer to help fashionistas different creams, serums, tonics and lotions, cosmetic cream and fluids. Naturally, in such an assortment it is difficult not to get confused. If many understand what cream or serum is, then not everyone knows about the fluid.

It is not very different from other care products. This is a kind of cream, which is a liquid gel mass, which includes many useful substances.

Translated from Latin, the name "fluid" means "fluid." The texture is liquid, but has a powdery shape. Thanks to this feature, the tool can be easily applied in several layers, achieving the required density.

Due to the high pigmentation, fluid cream is economical - in order to cover the entire face, you will need only a few drops.

Many of these tools not only improve the color of the upper layer of the epidermis, but also care for the dermis. Often, manufacturers add moisturizing ingredients to their composition - to further protect the skin from the negative effects of the sun.

Fluid cream is quickly absorbed (faster than simple creams), does not shine, is perfect for use in summer and during hot periods of the year.

The tool in the cushion format in the pad is ideal for traveling - girls are pleased not only with the cosmetics themselves, they like the mirror, as well as the makeup sponge.

Who is suitable?

Fluid cream is a liquid base, often called a serum. It is perfect for ladies with excessively dry skin, because its main task is to refresh the dermis and give it a natural shade. Choosing products in the cushion format, the owners of dry skin are able to block reddening and other flaws, without emphasizing peeling. As a result, their face will have a wonderful look. This tool is great for use in the hot season, because in the summer the skin looks much better than in the winter, even without applying a special decorating composition.

Foundation cream fluid is the best option for young ladies who want to get a light matte finish. It is also perfect for girls with oily skin, helping them create makeup without using a lot of cosmetics.

It should be noted that the cream fluid fluid will not work for the owners of problematic skin. Too obvious defects means does not hide (even despite the fact that you can choose a pink tone, designed specifically for masking acne and various rashes).

How to use?

The creators of tonal fluids not only took care of the quality of their products, they also thought out in advance how they were applied: as a rule, the substances are sold in small bottles with a pipette or dispenser, and they look very similar to serums. There are packing couches - very comfortable on long journeys, because they have a mirror and sponge for application.

Before use, the composition must be thoroughly shaken. Then dotted on the skin of the face and shade in a circular motion (sponge or brush with a dense pile).With this technique, you can achieve a translucent effect.


Many girls who have long been using the cream-fluid, have no complaints about the tool. They note that after applying the composition it is practically impossible to notice on the face (only close, if you get very close to the mirror and look at the reflection). The tool perfectly moisturizes the skin, so that it becomes softer and more pleasant to the touch. Fluid does not leave any shine - on the contrary, removes it if such a problem exists.

Ladies note the vitamin composition of the product and the fact that the fluid, despite all its advantages, is much cheaper than other tonal resources. He has proven himself as a foundation for daily makeup.

It is convenient to apply the product with a sponge, a special brush, and also with your fingers (many prefer the latter option of applying the cream fluid).

The tonal composition is completely merged with the skin, evens its tone, it does not look putty. The only thing that upsets the customers of the tonal fluid cream is the inability to hide obvious skin imperfections (acne, large areas of reddening). By the end of the day, it is completely absorbed by the skin, and places with flaws become more visible. Large pimples tone does not overlap.

It can be concluded that the foundation cream fluid is the number one tool for those who want to refresh their skin, even out its tone, make it attractive and make it a couple of years younger.

Review of the foundation foundation fluid in the next video.

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