How to clean a wool coat at home?

How to clean a wool coat at home?

A coat of real wool is a stylish and warm piece of clothing that never goes out of style. And so that such clothes serve you as long as possible and do not lose their visual attractiveness, it is important to properly care for her. Of course, the easiest way to give a wool product in the dry cleaning, because the professionals know exactly how to handle it. But at home you can bring a coat in order. Next, we will explain in detail how to do this.


Of course, before proceeding with the cleaning of a wool or half-woolen coat, you should carefully study the information on the product label. It clearly spelled out recommendations for the care of it for these clothes. For example, whether you can wash the material or dry it. Some types of wool may only be dry cleaned from dirt and in no case should not wet. Other models can be washed without any consequences or subjected to wet processing. Anyway, it all depends on the particular coat.

Therefore, be sure to take into account the recommendations of the manufacturer.

Now consider in more detail the stages of cleaning wool products.

Careful inspection of the product

After you have studied the information on the coat label, you should conduct a careful examination of the product along the entire length. Look through not only the outer side, but also the lining. Also special attention should be paid the space under the collar, near the pockets, as well as on the cuffs. After all, it is in these areas that most pollution occurs. After you find the most problematic areas and spots, you will know exactly what to pay attention to first.

Removal of surface contamination

Before you start cleaning and removing stains, it is necessary to clean the wool product from the pellets, excess fibers, dust and threads. It is very easy to do at home using a special sticky roller. It is sold at any hardware store and is inexpensive. In this case, such a device significantly improves the appearance of the coat without washing. With regular processing of the fabric in this way it will be possible to keep the clothes in excellent condition as long as possible.

Be sure to take note of such a simple and effective way. Small spots that cannot be cleaned with a roller can be removed. using a dry or slightly damp brush with soft villi.

The main thing is not to use at the same time aggressive detergents and large amounts of water.

Removing difficult spots

Difficult are spots that could not be eliminated with the help of a brush, cloth or soapy water. You can try to apply a small amount of the solution on the problem area, wait ten or fifteen minutes, and then treat with a clean soft brush. Just do not push too hard on the material, which does not damage it.

For more serious pollution, other methods are required. So, if there is a greasy stain on the coat, then it will turn out using a small amount of starch or regular talc. Pour the powder on the dirt, cover with a towel made of paper or a thin cloth and wait a few hours (about six or even ten). After this time, simply remove the remaining powder with a brush.

Scruffy areas on a woolen coat, such as cuffs on the sleeves, the area around the pockets, can be easily put in order with vinegar and alcohol. To do this, it is necessary to mix these two components in equal parts and apply the resulting solution to the problem area using cotton wool.Leave on for fifteen minutes, and then treat the place with a soft, clean cloth or brush. In the same way it will be possible to quickly remove contamination from food or drinks.

Contaminants from engine oil can be eliminated with ordinary gasoline. It is only necessary to wet the cotton pad in the fuel and process the woolen products from the inside. And the traces of tea or coffee drink can be easily eliminated if you apply glycerin to the solution.

When you need to refresh and eliminate dirt from a white or light product, it is best to use a solution based on ammonia and sodium chloride. And dark-colored clothes should be treated with warm black tea. A well-known powder is also a very effective tool in the fight for the purity and freshness of products made of natural wool. Vanish. Use it by following the instructions and you will get an excellent result in a fairly short time and without effort.

In addition, on the shelves of modern stores, it is easy to find ready-made powders and solutions that are specifically designed for the care of natural wool. The main thing is to carefully choose the composition of products and ensure that there is no alkali and chlorine in it. Otherwise, you can just ruin a beautiful coat.

Washing rules

If you decide to choose not dry, but wet cleaning of wool products, you should be very careful. Only delicate detergents and shampoos designed specifically for wool should be used. Water temperature should not exceed thirty degrees. Otherwise, the product is deformed and will look just awful. Do not unscrew or squeeze the coat. It can seriously damage the fabric and spoil the look of the clothes.

In addition, dry the coat should be only straightened, in a horizontal position. If you dry it vertically, the material will stretch and lose shape.

And in conclusion, it is worth noting that it is not always possible to clean the coat by yourself without the help of professionals. This applies to those cases where you are not completely confident in your own abilities or have already tried to remove the spots, but have not achieved success in this matter. Or if you are the owner of a whitish-white or light-colored product, then it is better to dry it. After all with improper handling, there is a high risk of spoiling the product. The same rule applies to situations with stubborn stains from fuel oil, engine oil and similar substances.

How to clean a coat at home, see the following video.

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