How to wash a wool coat?

How to wash a wool coat?

Clothes made from natural materials, in particular wool, are beautiful, warm, comfortable and relatively expensive pleasure. That is why the happy owners of a coat of natural wool really want to keep the look of the product and be able to use this clothing as long as possible. The term of its service and preservation of attractive external qualities directly depends on the correct leaving and washing of a wool product.


Wool products are made of different types of this material. In the processing of wool raw materials used a variety of technologies and methods of felting, weaving and processing of wool fiber. Thanks to this coat of wool come in several types:

  • Products from 100% natural wool. In such clothes there is only natural material. Wool can be goat, camel, sheep. Models in this category are the most expensive. The quality of such material is very high, however, and the requirements for care are sufficiently specific.

This category includes, for example, a coat of cashmere. They are made from valuable undercoat of rare highland goat breeds. The collection and processing of the material is very laborious and require delicacy and accuracy.

  • Drape coats are made from natural felted wool. This material consists of two layers, which provides it with special strength and gives high thermal insulation properties to the product. For additional insulation between the layers of material may be a filler of fluff. Coats of drape warmest and acceptable to wear, even in frosty weather.
  • Products boiled wool in the manufacturing process are subjected to unusual processing. A cloth of natural wool fibers is digested in boiling soapy water. Hence the name of this material. After boiling the fabric is cooled, dried, undergoing the painting process.
  • Products from mixed material. Often the manufacturer adds artificial wool, synthetic materials to the natural wool fiber. The most common combination of wool and polyester. Clothes made of blended materials are somewhat affordable and not so whimsical in care.

Do I need a wash?

Frankly speaking, it is better to avoid frequent and unjustified washing of natural wool products. No matter how gentle was the detergent, the process of wetting and subsequent drying significantly affects the structure of the fabric. With frequent washing and drying wool fabric loses density, the shape of the product may begin to deform.

Look at your coat and see how dirty it is. If there are separate small contaminated areas on clothes, for example, in the form of a stain from coffee or other products, then it is better to stop at a local area of ​​a separate area. This procedure is more gentle and will affect a minimum of material.

Depending on the nature of the stain, you can try to wash it at home, or take the product to dry cleaning. The second option is preferable, especially for very delicate fabrics of fine wool, such as cashmere.


If you decide to scrub a little dirt on your woolen clothes at home, you will need a soft sponge or cloth. As a stain remover, you can use laundry soap, hair shampoo or special products for washing wool products.

Remember, it is not the agent itself that is applied to the stain, but the thick foam obtained from dissolving the selected agent in water.The area of ​​contamination on which the foam is applied should be rubbed very carefully and carefully with a sponge or cloth. Do not rub the stain too hard, do not press too much on the sponge. After removing the dirt in this way, the tissue should be washed with warm water, blotted with a dry towel or thick cloth.


Of course, it is simply impossible to use local staining of stains and dirt all the time. With prolonged wear, its full wash is inevitable. Here are a few rules to follow in the event that if you decide to wash the coat out of wool at home:

  • Before you start washing you need to prepare your product for it. Free all pockets from things and small items, unfasten decorative covers, brooches and clips. If the coat has a collar or hood that can be unfastened, it is also better to take it off.
  • Be sure to fasten zippers, buttons, riveting, including on the pockets.
  • Turn the product inside out, lining it out.
  • To wash a coat of wool, manually dial the right amount of water in a large basin or bath. Any washing of woolen clothes should be carried out at a water temperature not higher than 40 degrees. For products made from especially delicate 100% natural wool, the maximum temperature is 30 degrees. To find out the composition of the material of your coat, look at the product label.
  • Dilute detergent in prepared water until foaming. Immerse the coat in the solution and leave to soak for 10-15 minutes. Soaking too long is undesirable. If there were stains and dirt on the product, they should be locked separately before soaking in the manner described above.

After soaking, drain the water and rinse the coat several times in warm water. Rinse until the foam stops forming in the water.

  • It is also possible to wash a wool product in an automatic machine. To do this, you must set a gentle washing mode. If your washing machine has a program called Wool, select it. Remember, in the machine you can only wash things from mixed material. For 100% wool, only gentle hand wash is suitable.
  • To better wash out the foam from the fibers of the product, it is desirable to install an additional rinse cycle.
  • With the spin mode is to be very careful. Undoubtedly, it is much more convenient to get a wet product out of the drum, and not soaked with plenty of water. But, nevertheless, it is better to exclude machine spin. If its use is still necessary, you need to set the minimum revolutions for the drum.


Coat of wool in any case can not be squeezed and twisted. After washing (if the spin mode was not used in a washing machine), the product should be laid out horizontally on a large, dense bedspread or towel. Gently wrap the coat in a cloth and lightly press it. This will allow excess water to soak in the towel. After that you should replace the wet towel or blanket with a dry coat under the coat and repeat the procedure.

After blotting with a cloth, the product also horizontally unfolds on a flat surface, on a dry cloth. Periodically, the coat should be turned over, and the cover or towel should be changed as it gets wet.

In no case do not dry the product from wool material vertically on the hangers or clothespinsThis can severely deform woolen fabric. Also, do not overturn a wet or wet coat on the clothesline, otherwise there will be a trace on the material that is almost impossible to get rid of.

Wool does not tolerate drying at elevated temperatures. So for drying the product from wool should be located away from the radiator, heaters or radiator. It is also necessary to exclude hit on a coat of direct sunshine. Draft in a room where clothes are dried from wool is undesirable.

You can hang a coat of wool material vertically on a hanger only after it has completely dried.

How to wash a woolen coat by hand, see the following video.

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