Steam hair straighteners

Steam hair straighteners

Hair flat irons are very relevant for many women of all ages and hairdressers. They are designed to straighten hair, create light waves, perfect styling and, of course, to make any woman beautiful. Of the most different rectifiers with different types of coatings, steam options deserve special attention, which have recently become very popular. Next, we offer a brief overview of steam irons and basic recommendations for their use.

Principle of operation

To understand the principle of operation of a steam rectifier, first of all it is necessary to understand what it is, and also how not to confuse it with other styling devices. The steam rectifier has the form of a usual one, but more often the tongs are wider, besides, it is equipped with a special steam generator, but it does not require regular water flooding.

We can safely say that the steam iron is an improved and safer version of the usual. Such an iron will not damage even the most fragile tips, since its effect on curls is considered very gentle.

The principle of leveling is that the whole procedure takes place exclusively under the influence of steam, but not the highest temperature. In many ways, this is a big plus, since such a steam iron will be a great solution for everyday use. Such models are very quickly heated, the maximum it can take only 1.5 minutes.

Advantages and disadvantages

Many users deliberately refuse to purchase a steam styler, believing that it will dry out or damage their curls, but this is not so. Among the positive aspects, which experts always mention are noted:

  • Steam is absolutely safe for curls, it does not injure them, but only aligns;
  • After using such irons hair becomes smoother, well-groomed and healthy;
  • Such a device can be easily used at home, without causing any harm to curls;
  • Models of steam rectifiers easily cope with curly and very naughty hair;
  • Laying done with this styler will last a very long time.

Despite the fact that steam irons do not require frequent pouring of water, it is very important that it is not rigid, otherwise hair problems may occur. And the device itself from bad water can fail and not serve you for many years. Also the disadvantages include the high cost of steam irons, but this does not stop many buyers, because the price fully justifies a decent quality.

Choose the right

It is always very difficult to understand the female population - if the hair is straight, then it needs to be curled, and if curly, then straighten it. Looking at all this, manufacturers from year to year produce new and more advanced models of chords, rectifiers and other stylers. From this abundance, you can get confused, because the shop windows now and then dazzle with incomprehensible things for the hair. But if you are still interested in steam rectifiers, we recommend to pay attention to some criteria for their selection, which can help not to be mistaken with the purchase:

  • Ladies with a fluffy hairstyle is recommended to choose wider tongs, but for girls with not very thick hair, you can prefer medium models.
  • The choice between fixed or floating plates remains solely for you. Fixed models are very tightly clamped strands of hair, thereby better aligning them the first time.Floating options will move with the selected strand, but the impact on it will be more gentle.
  • Steam rectifiers are of several types - with straight plates that only align the curls and with slightly rounded, allowing you to create light waves.
  • Among the huge range of models of rectifiers, you can easily find ready-made sets with different nozzles that can be used to create a variety of hairstyles, even at home.

Also, when choosing a steam rectifier, always pay attention to the main coating of the plates. It is highly undesirable to choose metal plates that can harm hair, but ceramics, titanium, teflon and tourmaline are the most optimal coatings for a safe impact on curls.

It is very important to choose your future styler in checked and licensed stores or on official websites, otherwise you risk getting caught in a fake. Steam rectifiers, if they are of high quality, cannot be cheap. In addition, when choosing an ironing in the store, you can compare several models at the same time by holding them in your hands and deciding which one suits you best. Do not forget also that it is best to choose irons with temperature control and the presence of several modes.

How to use?

When specialists begin to pay attention to the proper use of styling products, women are very skeptical of this, believing that there is nothing complicated about it. However, when using any technique for hair and body, it is very important not to neglect the basic instructions, so that not only everything worked out as it should, but also so that you are not disappointed:

  • The steam rectifier should be used only on clean and dry hair, in addition, it will be useful to apply a special thermal protective agent to the hair. The fat released by the hair can easily spoil the ironing plates, with the result that it will be defective or even harmful;
  • To smooth the hair without problems, divide them into several sections and fix with clamps. Straightening is best, starting from the occipital region from the lower tier;
  • Try not to take very wide strands, so straightening will be more accelerated and effective;
  • Try for a very long time not to hold the straightener in any particular area of ​​hair. If the procedure needs to be repeated, let the strands cool.

Of course, many people cannot live a day without using this type of styling device, but many experts recommend not to abuse it. It is advisable not to use the iron more than 2-3 times a week to keep your hair healthy and have time to relax. Although today's devices are made according to the latest technological advances, they still affect the strands and over time they can also be injured.

It is also very important not to forget about the various serums and sprays for thermal protection of curls, they will be very useful before the procedure for straightening hair. If you do not know whether it is possible to straighten wet hair with your iron, then it is best to refer directly to the instructions, since not all models are designed for this.

Review of the best models

Today, it will be easier to find a steam iron, many domestic and foreign brands that produce small household appliances or exclusively hair products offer a lot of different options. Next, we offer a small rating of steam hair straighteners.

  • Nippers rectifier with steam generator BAB205OE from the famous brand BabyLiss combine the latest developments, quality and convenience of the product, as well as its complete safety. The plates of this ironing are covered with ceramics and the thinnest layer of metal, thanks to which they very precisely distribute the thermal effect to the selected strand. Also, this rectifier can be pleased with the presence of a special technology of temperature control to protect curls.The iron is equipped with five temperature modes from 150 to 230 degrees, thanks to the convenient digital display you will easily keep the entire work process under control. The very same steam generator, which is also considered to be ultrasonic, is connected to the tank where the water should be poured. With the help of ultrasound, water turns into a special micropair, which straightens hair very delicately.

The great advantage of this styler is the ability to work with or without steam, as well as the presence of a long and rotating cord for maximum comfort in work.

  • Not less interesting option for purchase - steam iron from Remington, model S8700. This styler can be considered relatively expensive, because it costs about 5 thousand rubles, but this cost fully justifies its rich functionality. This rectifier has 5 modes of operation, which are suitable for a variety of hair. Ceramic floating plates with keratin, vitamins and oils, as well as with a special technology from the brand will provide the hair with an ideal result in their heating and straightening. The cold steam generator in this rectifier allows you to care for your hair, making it more lively and moisturized, while protecting it from thermal effects. The relatively minor drawbacks include the lack of a special loop for hanging, but more often it is not needed for home use.
  • One of the most popular models among steam rectifiers is considered “Steampod” styler with steam generator from L'Oreal and Rowenta. Many masters of hairdressing have already called this model a revolutionary breakthrough in creating flawless hair styling using the latest technologies. This device gently smoothes the curls with the help of hot steam. With it, you can not only get perfectly smooth styling and straight hair, but also luxurious Hollywood waves, like those of stars on the red carpet. This model of the rectifier looks like a conventional iron, while it is equipped with a comb, which can be removed without problems. This rectifier is suitable for all types of hair, it has 5 temperature modes from 170 to 220 degrees. The disadvantages of this unit include a very high price, it is also undesirable to purchase it for home use for ladies with short haircuts. The “Steampod” tongs are quite wide, so they will best capture long strands rather than short ones.
  • Equally interesting is the rectifier model with steam. HomeClub GT1688which is also safe to straighten the curls.
  • We also recommend to pay attention to the popular steam humidification rectifier Irit IR - 3168. This model is relatively inexpensive, quite suitable for home use without harm to the hair. The plates of this ironing are ceramic, but there is no protection against overheating. This rectifier can be described as an ideal price-quality ratio, but for a long time it will not work and it is undesirable to use it daily.

In addition to the models described above, you will find a lot of options for steam rectifiers, but do not forget that the manufacturer always sets high prices for good models. If you are still thinking about which rectifier is better - regular or steam, then a very simple parallel can be drawn here. As with a conventional iron, steam is better in comparison with him, because he strokes better and faster, and there is no risk of burning clothes, the same with hair.

Customer Reviews

In the open spaces of the Network, you can see a lot of reviews and reviews on certain models of steam irons for hair. In general, they all boil down to the fact that these models are more advanced and safer than their brothers without steam generators. But like any device or new items, such irons have their drawbacks and advantages. In order for your device not to disappoint you, you need to carefully choose it, as advised by many of those who have already purchased a steam iron.

In addition, do not feel sorry for him.The better your styler will be, the longer it will last.

Many ladies agree that Chinese cheap models injure hair, moreover, they don’t cope with problem curls. Hairdressers and amateurs pay the most attention to professional models with steam humidification from reputable brands.

In the next video, watch all about the pros and cons of the Steampod steam iron from L'Oreal Professionnel.

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